Thursday, August 17, 2006


Sorry. I had a classic melt-down. If I was a major star it would have made the papers. All it did was make my mom concerned enough to haul me, hair first to the Doc's.
My Mom doesn't want to hear me quitting writing to become an office manager. That's not her son by a long shot!
I think it's about time that I got myself 'fixed' and that. I don't want this to keep happening. To be honest, I thought all this was over and done with and that those lovely Chinese guys had worked their magic permanently. I guess I got clogged up again.

I'm sure you understand and I thank you for not turning on me.

I don't like being sad and blue for no reason and I don't enjoy throwing my toys out of the pram and distancing the people closest to me.

It's just something that comes from my parents that has sadly been passed to me. I was hoping all I'd get was shortness, youthful looks and a biggish nose.

Anyways, I'm off to spend a weekend at the V Festival. It could be just what I need before the appointments and sessions begin. (I'm starting to become one of my own characters...Kyle from 'Bent Soul' and 'What The Hell..')

I want to focus on the good because there is a lot of it in my life, off-line and on.

Be well. I'll try.


JonSheridan said...

Glad you're back and I'll see you tomorrow :)

DanProject76 said...

I am glad you returned. I was just baffles by the weird post at the 'Christopher Bat' blog yesterday.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Blogger was being a real pain and I accidently altered the address. I was having a stress-filled week and Blogger wasn't making it any easier.

Robin Alexa said...

You said weekend and not freakend.

Uh oh.

Hope things look better to you soon.

I know what it is like. I really, really do.

It sucks but it also makes you the wonderfully creative person that you are.

Chick said...

Oh little come back soon...thanks for stopping by my site...I think I may like your style.

ben said...

"My Mom doesn't want to hear me quitting writing to become an office manager. That's not her son by a long shot!"

Christ, make this cheer you severely. My parents would like nothing more than for me to be a fucking office manager rather than a writer. I dont even have a award beating short film presentation to my name like your good self.

Enjoy your fests. I will be the one not there but sat somewhere in the North looking at the rain. Stupid rain.

zuzula said...

I'm glad you're back - I was worried! have a fab time at V and hope the world starts making sense again soon.

Stephanie said...

Happy to see you back around :)

There is a lot of good in your life, including the friends and family who care about you. My folks have always supported (even if they didn't understand) my artistic pursuits, and worried (worry?) about the accompanying artistic temperment too. I think the trick becomes pouring the demons out into the art without spilling any out into your life.

Anyway, have fun at V this weekend - we're hoping for a full report!

Walter said...

Just remember, in the words of your favourite band, McFly, "It's All About You"!


We're all here for you.

Maja said...


Sassy said...

So happy to see you back! :) Hang in there.

sophie said...

tossing toys can be cathartic -
and can always
buy - or make - new ones:)

Louise said...

"I don't like being sad and blue for no reason"

Hmmm... I've been there. I found the answer was Prozac and walks in the sunshine.

Unknown said...

How was it??

Aloofus, Aloofus...

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