How is everyone?
Fine!...Turn to page 34
Rubbish...Turn to page 14
Does anyone remember those Fighting Fantasy gamebooks by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson? Death Trap Dungeon? Appointment with F.E.A.R?

"You see an ORC. It's pretty big. Do you go left or right?
And if you chose the wrong thing you'd just cheat and chose the right one. I had loads of them and I don't think I ever played them properly.
Anyway, all that was pretty irelevent. My mind shot off on a freaky, nostalgic tangent. Some day, I will order a big box of Garbage Pail Kids and spend the day unwrapping packs and chewing gum.
Valentines Day was yesterday and, despite leaving yesterday's love-themed blog posticle, K.P and I didn't celebrate the day. We're not fans of it because, well, who needs a day to compact that loving feeling? We just had the usual chuckles and watched some 'Seinfeld'. I've been unwell for a few days with mild flu (or 'man flu' as we all know that men are wimps when it comes to sniffles.)
I'm leaving work tomorrow and, to commemorate the occasion, a gaggle of bills have decided to jump out of the bushes and mug me of my much needed cash. Gah!
Still, it could be worse. I could still be toiling at eon. That needed to be nipped in the bud and there are zero regrets.
I've been cleaning out my drawers and binning a load of junk that's built up over the last few months. My top draw is almost filled with odd 1p/2p coins. I doubt there is enough there to buy anything of worth. I could probably get a packet of crisps out of it. I've also found some latex gloves, various note pads filled with drawings and a sweater that I wouldn't be seen dead in these days.
I'm ticking away the final couple of days, doing nothing work-related because there is no point. I've never really been into this job so why start now?
Next stop: unemployment!
Got any spare change? I'll dance for shiny coins.
I never used the dice. too complicated
i loved those books! i used to cheat, too. every time i had to make a choice, i'd fold the page over. i'd read it so that i'd read every single option there was. i'm an anal completionist like that.
your v-day sounds lovely! i hope your man flu goes away soon, though. snot = not good for the kisses.
My husband and I never celebrate Valentine's Day. It's a crock.
Remember the companion "choose your own adventure" books? I could never make a decision, so each time they asked me to make one, I had to read all the options. It made the stories VERY confusing! :-)
I did once try to play it properly but I quickly gave up. It was pretty complicated and, as a short geeky kid, I wanted to win at SOMETHING.
I remember 'Choose Your Own Adventure'. I have some somewhere. I might dig them out and have a go. I'll still cheat but it will be slightly more mature.
I remember those books! I had a Cinderella one too. It was quite a lot simpler.
Oh, and we both have man flu (if that's possible) so it's snot all round. Lovely.
Hey, I just remembered those too a few posts ago. There were tons in the school library (always better than Arabian Nights) and I never failed to shamelessly cheat.
I remember those books well, in fact I was obsessed with them. My favourite was House of Hell where they went all spooooky and vampirey. But it was bloody impossible to win at it.
I had some of those choose your ending books. Very cool. It always fascinated me that the book or story could end at anytime.
Anyone know where I can buy boxes of garbage pail kids from? Or manta force?
Those Fighty Fantasy books are popular again these days, which made me feel like totally retro man.
I like Valentines though. But I was too tired to demand sexing in exchange for flowers and cuddles.
We called them Choose Your Own Adventure Books, and I don't think they were ever meant to be played fairly. Let me know if you find the Garbage Pail kids. I loved those things almost as much as Jem.
I'm off to search them out -
will you sing for silver?
I too loved those books.
Shall I go off to write one now (turn to page 4)
Leave it and carry on working (turn to page 8)
I used to make my own. They were crap and I kept getting confused.
not familur with that.. but it reminds me of the books goose bumps. they did the same thing.
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