Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sonic Youth - Teenage Riot (1991) / Christopher D Bate - Thirty-Something Quiet (2010)

Kylie is playing Sega Allstars Racing and I'm in the back room, trying to write. Well, trying to find the thing that I wrote. I just tend to write scenes and then find a story to fit them into. I dunno. Keeps me off the street.
If I was on the street and in a gang, it would be like something out of a musical; all leather jackets quiffs, flick combs and finger clicking. There wouldn't be much violence, we'd mostly have dance offs. Our biggest enemy would be torn hamstrings, bad hair days and those stinkin' cops that consistently insist on killing our buzz.

I'm not in a gang. Far from it. I'm not even in a band. I wish I was. I think I've missed that boat. Kylie keeps saying that I should at least be part of a small band but I don't think many groups have any need for someone who can't even strum a whistle.

Maybe that will happen in 2011. 2010 had a lot of surprises. I managed to tick off a few boxes on my unusual 'To Do' list.

'Be a Zombie in a film....CHECK'
'Write a film about a robot...CHECK'

The one silly, regrettable thing (Creatively) was being in one of my favourite bands music video. Ugh. I'm pretty sure that video was canned. I hope it was. My dancing is never good. Less so when I'm dressed up as a cult member and throwing confetti.

I can't remember what my point was.

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