Monday, January 29, 2007

Help Me

After such a fun weekend, today was always going to be a massive come down. Once again, I find myself sat at my desk, coasting through the few days I have left in this clerical prison.

I keep thinking of all the things I COULD be doing; interviewing for jobs, watching films, playing Smackdown whilst drinking tea, reading my new Transformers U.K books (Prey and Fallen Angel) or teach a group of rough, inner city kids how to sing gospel songs, which would, of course, cause us to win at the local contest and gain the respect of our peers and friends, just like in Sister Act 2. Some 'cool' formally violent and rebellious student could high-five me at the end, declaring that 'I'm cool' just as we all celebrate in slow-mo.

Maybe I could just call out Bingo for the elderly and inject random, surreal jokes into the mix: "Unicron's distain, number 22. Cress! It's number 4"

Today, I have written some stuff for a script called 'Death, The Young Man' because, for some reason, I like writing about the Grim Reaper and his fish-out-of-water non-adventures and one called 'Cupid at Gunpoint' Both may or may not ever see the light of anything as most of my stuff gets abandoned about half-way through.

Wikipedia (The web site, not the mysterious house mate of K.P) has nourished my information-starved brain with interesting and pointless information. Today I learnt more about Leicester, it's ghostly goings on and witches. Witches led me to hags, crones, The Grudge, Deaths Head, Dragons Claws, and Fall Out Boy.
I found it oddly comforting that their front man is older than me. The fact that he's revered and billion times more successful isn't so comforting however.

Belated Congrats to fellow Blogger
Hicksion for getting a pilot commissioned at the BBC. Having flirted with them in the past, it's nice to know that someone gets to see the proverbial goods. *Doffs cap* I look forward to seeing 'Broken By Design' when it airs if only to swig a glass of brandy whilst drunkenly declaring "I sort of know the man who wrote that there programme..." to a dog.

You can SMELL the boredom, can't you?

KNEES (An Ode)

If you please
Let's raise a glass
And eat some cheese
In glorious tribute
To our knees

(Deleted rhyming words: Squeeze, Sleaze, Bees, Fleas and tease)

I'm so sorry.


ben said...

Hey, be thankful you've got your health. And knees. I am markedly unwell and on the penicillins. And thus will be mentioning this indiscriminately in every post until it goes away.

Christopher D. Bate said...

You know what they (don't) say; a post a day keeps the ails at bay.

I hope you feel better soon, sir.

DanProject76 said...

I like weird bingo...

Cross-dressing tofu! It's 58!

Christopher Eccleston's ears! 28!

A wasp's elbow... 33 and a third!


Christopher D. Bate said...

Attack! Attack! Number 10!

Orlando Bloom's range, number 1.

Inxs Choke and Stroke, number 3

Kylie said...

That is a Class A poem. In the same way that cocaine is a Class A drug. I have no idea what I mean by that. The poem was good, anyway. You missed "trees", but I'll forgive you.


Christopher D. Bate said...

Coming from the Queen of odd poetry, that's a compliment!

I hope your day is going well


Greg Mills said...

There is an excellent "kids" show here in the US called "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy".

Billy is a large-nosed apparently retarded little boy and Mandy is his acid-tongued and black hearted little friend. After winning a limbo contest against the Grim Reaper, the Grim Reaper becomes their slave for enternity. It's fugging AMAZING. Lots of weird references to H.P. Lovecraft and other shit.

But I digress...

DanProject76 said...

Two fat chavs! 88!

Badly transcribed subtitles! 888!

The Devil's Bingo! 666!

Christopher D. Bate said...

Greg--I shall check out that show. It sounds cool.

Dan--Dan's Project, 79

Maja said...

Well it's nearly over!

orange anubis said...

I think it's perfectly reasonable to choose Sister Act 2 as a guide to life. Realism's justdull.

Christopher D. Bate said...

I wish my life was like 'Swingers'

Aloofus, Aloofus...

So, it’s 2018. I’m staring down the barrel of my 40’s but with the same goofy mindset I honed in my 20’s. Mentally, it doesn’t feel as bad a...