Friday, May 13, 2005

But Seriously...

Hey folks (If there are any people that still read this drivel),

Sorry for the lack of posts. Things have been crazy (not literally) Crazy person (literally) has finally gone and closed the door behind her bringing a final and much needed conclusion to our sorry little tale of love, loss and lunacy.
Relationships, eh?
Nevermind, as one door closes about ten or so open. Misfortune is a good omen for me, it seems, as from the ashes of misery rises the-
--(Checks book of hackneyed metaphors and similies)-----rises the EAGLE OF GOOD FORTUNE!

(That'll do it)

Things have been jig-worthy of late. I managed to tie up some loose ends and, as fate would have it, meet someone who wasn't at all like I was led to believe (In a good way) and settle things in a MATURE AND ADULT way. (My Mom will be so proud)
I've been something of a naive idiot of late it seems, trying to fix and save someone that can't be fixed or saved. The bird has flown, the ship has sailed and many other 'done and dusted' metaphors. On with the show...
I've been painting the town all kinds of red with my nearest and dearest, discovering new places, bars and situations and enjoying ourselves like it's the right here, right now, because at the end of the day, I'm never going to be Christopher David Bate again (Unless they freeze me and wake me up in the future like in Sleeper which, I'm sure, they won't)
In other news ("WE DON'T CARE! YOUR LIFE IS NOWHERE NEAR AS INTERESTING AS YGWIN!" I hear you cry.) I'm working on some new scripts and stuff to fling in the direction of various contacts. I imagine the BBC have got their 'Thanks but no thanks' letters already written out. Buggers. It'll be nice to see what kind of responses I get when I send 'em off and post 'em up. At the end of the day, if one person digs what I scribble down then that pleases me greatly.
No news on the film. They say no news is good news. Everytime there is a lull in communication with the film company, there always seems to be exciting news at the end of the tunnel. It's gone past the stage where the film can be shit-canned and ignored. You can't stop it now, even if you wanted to, and why would you want to?
I'm looking forward to the arrival of a 'friend' of mine and we are set for a great weekend of fun and frolicals. Perhaps my cheeky housemate will get some pictures to post up on his good ol' blog. I hope you all have a great one. I'm sure you all deserve it.

I've rambled enough.

Take care and do what you do best


(Abnormal service to be resumed shortly)

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Aloofus, Aloofus...

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