Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Fear

I've decided to throw in my notice at work. Much like the various lovers that have come and gone in my life, I have gotten bored and they have gotten strange. We just don't seem to do anything anymore.
I have decided to hand in my notice to get 'The Fear'. I need a certain level of 'Oh My God!' in order to get off my arse and try to find a better, less stressful way to pay the rent.
I figure a month or so of intense job searching will yield something. I just don't like being in a rut and this is a rut.
Creatively, things are awesome. Trouble is, you have to pay those pesky bills. This is why I never take my 9 to 5 seriously.

This may all blow up in my face but I just don't want to be a cog in this particular machine too much longer.

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