Tuesday, October 18, 2005

20 Things and More Besides

This week has been pretty cool thus far. Despite a lack of smasher, I have still managed to make the most of things even if it has been just a case of staying in and recharging the batteries.
I was told by a good friend of mine that I needed to slow down a bit. She's right, of course. She always is.

Anyway, this 'rest-up' time has still proven fruitful. I've been doing lots of writing; often flitting from idea to idea without finishing anything but at least it's something.
This random creativity usually results in a load of half finished work on my laptop but at least the seeds are planted. It's nice to doing something productive and not spend too long watching bad T.V and playing Smackdown Vs Raw.
Where, in the spirit of video game longevity I make up my own wrestling story-lines in my head. I suppose this is sort of creative but creative in a pointless kind of way. Where else can you see WWE Superstars fight for their Mother's pride or battle in a 12 man 'Loser gets fired out of a cannon' match?

I digress.

Monday night saw me take part in a 'Focus Group' for Ben Baker's superb radio show 'The Monday Night Fandango'. It was a blast. I'd like to think we added something to the show. (If only to get the phrase 'Ham dagger' on the airwaves.)

Scoot over to Ben's site for more details.

-Had some great and interesting news but I don't want to say anything until it's properly confirmed.

Coolest things I have seen so far this week:

Truman's 'Geek Haven' complete with 'Carry On' bobble heads and replica Light Sabre

Also, as I've been tagged by Sally Smart here my 20 facts (To go along with the 100 I did a few months ago):

20 Things

1) Between the ages of 4-5 I was convinced I was a either a robot or an alien.

2) I love storms. When one breaks out I have the strongest urge to get right in the heart of it; under the least amount of shelter I can find. I've been doing this since I was an infant.

3) When arguing I never raise my voice or resort to personal attacks. I am usually on the receiving end, however.

4) I've been told I apologise to an annoying degree. A lot of the time it's for things I haven't even done.

5) If I could be anyone else in the world I would be my cousin Adam. I've always looked up to him because he's one of the most charming, classy and switched on people you could ever meet. He's like me but miles better.

6) If there is such a thing as romance I have yet to experience it.

7) Sometimes my eyes change colour.

8) When I was 17 I made a punch made of every spirit and booze we could find. I couldn't move for two days afterward. When I was 21 I drank so much J.D that I was sick into my own underpants. I'm not sure why.

9) I have a 'Three text rule'. If after three texts (Over a period) you don't respond, you're off my phonebook. This doesn't apply to close friends and family.

10) Earlier in the year I got into an argument with a band called Towers Of London during which I said something about them being forgotten in two months. They are now one of the hottest bands around. They're still fucking shit though.

11) For someone not that interested in sex I have put myself about a bit (See 6). I don't do that so much anymore. The pillow talk is too awkward.

12) If the writing thing doesn't pan out I have no fall back plan. I haven't planned a 'proper, sensible' career or anything (Much to the chagrin of my parents)

13) Don't get me started on the following topics: Judge Dredd: The Movie, Jaws: The Revenge, The Daily Mail, Chart music or Chavs.

14) I come from a musical family but I think this talent has skipped a generation. I can't sing or play for shit.

15) I have been accused, many times, of not living in the real world. Personally, I prefer La-La land. It's easier.

16) My usual response to the "What do you want for Christmas" question? Note books.

17) Its thanks to my friends and their various lifestyles that I have become so well adjusted and accepting.

18) It may also be because I saw 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' when I was 9. While most kids cried at the end of Terminator 2 (Arnie giving a ‘thumbs up’ in the molten pit) I was upset by the killing of Frank-N-Furter. H and I share a love of that flick. (No, we don't dress up or anything)

19) When I was six, a friend and I got trapped under the school whilst looking for treasure. I learnt some valuable lessons that day. One of which was don't trust 'maps' written in biro on lined A4 paper or Matthew Shenton.

20) I have a number of small, non-hideous scars on my body, each have an amusing story behind them. (November 21 2004 will permanently remain on my right arm. July 5 2005 on my left shoulder etc) Perhaps one day I will get that shark scar I've always wanted.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

So, it’s 2018. I’m staring down the barrel of my 40’s but with the same goofy mindset I honed in my 20’s. Mentally, it doesn’t feel as bad a...