Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Bypass Monster Island and it's all plain sailing...

Hey, peeps (Can I, A) Pull of the term 'peeps' and B) Refer to you as such?)

How are you all? You're halfway through the working week! The weekend is creeping closer and soon you will be free again! Free to enjoy freakend frolicals!

Optimism. That's the key.

I've been reminded by D.J that I have a gig to go to on Saturday; Alkaline Trio at The Carling Academy. Subculture to follow. Falling over to finish.

And there I was thinking that I wasnt going to be flinging limbs every which way this freakend!

This, of course, comes after D.J's birthday shindig on Friday. I hope this party is slightly less life threatening than last year. Last time I drank so much that I knocked myself out and woke up in a hospital bed. I still have the scars to prove it (and pictures too)

I've got to be good/better with my hard earned cash this month because it's almost the time of year when everyone files for bankruptcy. Christmas is the season of greed and people want their gifts!

Want one. Want two. Want. Want. Want.

What do I want this year? The same thing as every year: A shark!

Or a CD, whichever is easier.

I forgot my whole point in a haze of hot coffee and toddys! My throat is so sore that I could wring my neck....but that would kill me.

I'll leave you with a couple of things:

-The new Strokes song 'Juice Box' is, to steal a phrase from Family Guy, freakin' sweet. The video is very cool. It features David Cross. Magic.

-I brought the Giant Drag album from Amazon Marketplace for £3! Bargain! Should make up for the one that NEVER ARRIVED from the place I ordered last time. Buggers.

-On Saturday, I'm going to wear one green trainer and one red. They're both the same design so it won't look too strange. Just a little odd.

-My Mom gave me a cool digital camcorder/camera. Now I can film people, make short and silly films or start a career in cheap, hardcore porn.

-I refuse to get on the 'I'm a Celebrity....' train. Z-listers feeling snakes and eating bugs? This is why I only watch MTV2 and Extreme TV (People skating and saying 'RAD!' a lot. Sometimes they fall over)

Hope you are all well.


(Happy Chloe? That nods for you.)

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