Thursday, January 19, 2006

Personal Piffle

What Ho!

Last night was pretty eventful. After visiting the folks I then went home to collect my thoughts and check my email.

Amongst the spam I found an mail from Peter at The Light House who was worried that he hasn't received the final cut yet. He was nervous about the quality and said that he may only show 15 minutes of Death Rides the Nine as a safeguard.

I wrote him back and told him that 15 minutes of a 25 minute film wouldn't sit right with me or anyone watching (I put it better and nicer than that) because it just wouldn't work. It would be like cutting someone off mid conversation.
I told him that I'm expecting the DVD from MME before the end of the month and that, if it pleases him, I will meet up with him and show him the final-final cut to assure him that it's of (Good) sound quality. He did say, however, that he will have an earlier showing for friends, family and curious parties at 6:30. The actual 'event' needs places to be booked.

I'm hoping that he will agree to show the WHOLE film at the 'Shoot the Writers' evening especially as it's been advertised as such and there will be a lot of important people from a variety of media organisations in attendance. I can't see the problem with showing the whole film. It's not like its King Kong length.

Fingers and toes crossed.

Either way, it'll be screened (Maybe twice in one night if the omens are good. One and a half, if the omens are not so good)

Regardless of that, I hear that the film is doing well in the U.S and is going out to festivals over there so people are seeing it. It would have played at some festival called 'Laugh Dance' but it got cancelled (Probably because it was called 'Laugh Dance')

I also sent off 'Bent Soul' to Simply Scripts. I'd like it to be on their site because it's one of my favourite sites and, well, look what happened last time.

I've not far from finishing 'Random Acts of Mindless Kindness' which is my attempt to write a love story. When I explained the plot to Tom last week he seemed impressed (And, he's heard a LOT of my dumb ideas). I've been writing bits in random order, depending what mood I'm in and piecing them all together until the early morning. I've been doing that all week in an attempt to get it all down before I get bored with it.

We're set for Brighton for Nick and Steve's BIG BIRTHDAY WEEKEND (Official weekend name to be decided)
We'll be paying a visit to Stephanie. She's going to give us a tour of the sites and bars. Last time I went down it was absolutely brilliant (Okkervil River at The Hanbury Ballroom being the musical highlight)We'll have a riot I'm sure.

I'm pooped.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

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