Monday, February 13, 2006

Three Day Week : ) : )

Man, I'm so excited. Thursday is the big day for me.

Thursday is the day friends, family and curious parties get to peek 'DRTN' and see what i've been doing with myself for the last few years and why never take my job too seriously.

There are a variety of people coming along. Some of whom I know very well, work with or don't know at all. Some people are even making long trips to come and see it.
I really hope that it measures up to their expectations (if they have any, some maybe hoping for some kind of cinematic car-crash.)
I will warn you now that i will be nervous. More so at the 'Shoot the Writers' part. Hopefully, the nerves will subside. If not, I'll just smile, nod and pretend I didn't hear the questions.

It should be a good time. Interesting for sure.

First screening starts 6:30 PM and 'Shoot the Writers' starts at 7 PM and runs until about 10 PM.

Then, it's off to The Planet for back-slapping or bitch slapping depending on your opinion of the film.

Thank you, local and non-local peeps, for your interest and kind words since I started telling you about the film. It's greatly appreciated.


P.S Steve, I will be wearing my girly braclet on the night. Just so you know...

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