Friday, June 09, 2006

And he's off!

It's bye-bye to Steve on Sunday.

No more HOUSE mate at Westfield.

No more Superman's Foot.

One final trip to our favourite indie club as the complete, original 'Sirs of Sirs' line-up.

Beers, cheers and tears (Most likely from me as I can't handle goodbyes all that well).

Thanks for everything, sir. It's been a riot to say the least.


Devil Mood said...

I'll be crying myself. Go and have fun tonight, it's well deserved :)

Cathy said...

Sadness!! :(
Tell Steve he must keep in touch via blog. That's an order :)

Maja said...

Aw, it's always sad to see friends go, but they usually come back too :)

sarah said...

there is a bright side.

that sock monkey has some SWEET eyes.

x said...

i shed a couple of tears too. and i don't even live in England!
Hugs to you. xxxx

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