Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Crazy Horse Tuesday

Despite the weekend being wrapped in disappointment (I was supposed to be in Brighton) I managed to salvage things and have a pretty decent (If thrifty) time.

I went out on Friday for a cheap night out at Ramshackles. Due to a lack of funds and the desire not to repeat last weeks shenanigans, I didn't drink. This didn't stop me doing the good kinds of things I usually do whilst under the influence.

If anything, I was in better spirits than usual.

H came along which was great because he doesn't normally like the clubbing environment (He prefers his rock music to be heavy, progressive and from a bygone era he wasn't even born in). He mixed it up a treat and brought some wicked air guitar to the table. I don't think I've ever seen the man dance in a public place before. Usually, such jiving is reserved for loud renditions of 'Rockin' In the Free World' at my house.

The following nights were quieter affairs, filled with movies, music and bouts of creative outpourings that kept me up until stupid O'clock.

I watched this chap on Channel Whatever who called himself Shark Gordon. He was actually swimming with dangerous sharks and doing these dangerous experiments where he and his equally deranged friend would let Bull sharks eat around his legs. He was trying to prove that sharks don't really go for humans when there is a better snack available. He didn't get his legs bitten off but he did get bumped around a bit.
I was watching this thinking "This is a lot like my love life" Girls don't really go for me where there is a better lad available. I do get my legs bumped now and then.

Maybe I was over thinking things. I do that sometimes.

Anyway, shark swimming and lady confusion aside, I've posted off DRTN for the Leeds Festival. If we get in (And we really should) then it would be amazing. My Dad designed the label for the copied disc (I didn't want to lose my original copy) and printed off some swish screenshots which you can view on FLICKR.

It's good that after all these years of not taking any 9 to 5 seriously and getting parental frowns because of it, Mom and Dad are fully behind me. In fact, they never ask about my office job, only about creative developments. How the tide has turned..

I visited my Nan for the first time in six months and I just got grief about my hair. My dear old Nan thinks I look 'like a girl' and, if my Grandfather was alive, he would call me something

I hope I die before I get old.

A few things before I get back to feigning interest in my bullshit job:

* I'm going to see Ryan Adams TWICE! Once in London and once in Birmingham. I'm excited to say the least. He's cancelled every previous gig I've booked tickets for!

* You Tube is great for finding footage of legends and various visual treasures. I've found some cool Jeff Buckley, Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash stuffwhich I can post up for those that are interested.

* I brought Neil Young's 'Harvest' and 'Ragged Glory' in a good record sale and picked up James Dean Bradfield's 'The Great Western'. The latter was largely because of my brothers devotion to Bradfield and the Manic Street Preachers. It's a good record that's worth checking out. As is the Joan as Policewoman and Camera Obscura records.

* There are some writings on my other blog for people who want something silly to read.That's all from me. Have a good Tuesday.

Please don't work too hard..

..unless you're in the emergency services.



kimberlina said...

i love that you've thrown yourself into your creative endeavours and haven't succumbed to the 9-5 corporate world.

it's really rather inspiring.

*laugh* - bump legs!

Sassy said...

I want to go see Ryan! I like your hair, and I agree...I dont want to get old either.

Sassy said...

Oh...put some more You Tube on your blog! :D

Anonymous said...

C-Bizzle, it's about time someone said something homopathic about your hair. like "burning it clears up joint aches", or "makes monkeys appear to be wearing small hats".

Double D

Greg Mills said...

Better to get bumped in the legs than become a remora, those small parasitic dingleberry fish that latch on to the mighty shark and living off sloughed hide and offal.

That would suck.

DanProject76 said...

Your hair isn't gay at all.

Mine is.

x said...

your hair looks fantastic!
(i never thought i'd write that to a man)

sarah said...

J-E-A-L-O-U-S about the Ryan Adams concerts.. he is just a recently discovered jem for me and boy.. i love his music.

your hair is snazzy and sexy as are you! and if you ever get the chance, do go to S. Dakota and see the Crazy Horse monument, it is a truly spiritual experience. at least it was for me.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Trix--I've been a fan for a while and I have yet to see him live. He cancels more many U.K tours than he actually plays so I feel like I deserve it. If I meet him, I shall mention you and your HNT's.

kimberlina--Yeah, all that keyboard tapping isn't work related, like now. I can't get into my job and I don't think I ever will. That's why if I fail at the creative stuff, I'll fall pretty hard.

Shark Gordon has my awe and respect. I'd love to do a shark dive. Like most people, I find sharks fascinating.

Sassy--Anyone who visits the blog gets eternal youth!

I wish.

Ryan rules and my hair is pretty ok. It's better than it used to be. I used to have it all shaved off.

"Oh...put some more You Tube on your blog! :D"

I've got some curious gems to post up! :)

Double D--Double D! Is it really you, my long lost friend and former comedy partner? How the devil are you? Busy chasing the guys and girls I would imagine!
We should really have that long awaited meet up sometime.

Greg Mills--"Remora, those small parasitic dingleberry fish that latch on to the mighty shark and living off sloughed hide and offal"

Sounds like my ex.

"That would suck."

people get promoted by doing that. Fish don't. They just swim around avoiding nets and bigger fish. At least they don't pay taxes etc

Dan--It's not the first time I've been berated by old people for my hair and my clothes. It won't be the last, I'm sure.
I suppose I'm in that 'Russel Brand' school of straight/camp. Does that piss off the gay community? It might be seen as pussy footing.

Chloe--And this is why I blog-love you. That and your blog helps to educate me when my brain cells are being erroded by my silly day job.

Sarah-- Isn't he coming your way? It's quite a big tour.

Sarah --"your hair is snazzy and sexy as are you! and if you ever get the chance, do go to S. Dakota and see the Crazy Horse monument, it is a truly spiritual experience. at least it was for me."

I want to go to that! Crazy Horse are so swish! Their song 'Fucking Up' has been in my head for days now. I'm going to visit that place and play homage.

missy said...

I've never worked a summer in my entire life so doing this two weeks of grad school is a real pain in the rear. A few more days to go and I'm done here and I have a year to do all my writing in 4 courses I am doing. I think I have just bored myself to death writing that.

Always have fun for us because you know how we love being entertained by you.

Christopher D. Bate said...

I'm happy to entertain anyone but you guys and girls make it all worth while. You're also very, very cool people.


DanProject76 said...

The Gay Community Centre is packed full of people demanding that Russell Brand must cut his hair.

Bah. There's no such thing as a gay community really. There is, however, a lesbian ryvita community.

Christopher D. Bate said...

I knew it be the thing of myth and legend.

I would like to subscribe to the lesbian ryvita community. I think those ladies will do sterling work.

Maybe we should all be 'stray' like in Nathan Barley.

sophie said...

"in better spirits" HAHA!!!!!

bouncy writing today in this

cheap nights out are the best -
just a nice cup of tea and a walk
on the beach delight me.

Stephanie said...

Good luck with the film fest!

So jealous of your Ryan Adams shows. I have a friend who just drove 5 hours to see him and said he was really, really great. I'd only seen him years and years ago and it didn't go well either time. I gave up then, but I'm ready to give it another go.

PS - Speaking of Buckley (again) have you seen his live in chicago concert dvd? I just bought it & plan to watch it this weekend.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Sophie--Should we ever meet, I'll make you a cup of tea.

Stephanie--His recent show got slated and he was supposedly very mean about it (check out ryan adams org) I'm hoping he'll be in good spirits for at least ONE of the two shows.
The J.B DVD is brilliant. I love it. I've found some rare Jeff stuff on YOU TUBE including the BBC documentary from a couple of years ago.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

So, it’s 2018. I’m staring down the barrel of my 40’s but with the same goofy mindset I honed in my 20’s. Mentally, it doesn’t feel as bad a...