If you read this blog a lot you’ll know that one of my biggest flaws is my attitude to women and relationships (or rather my spectacular failings with them) I’ve been trying to figure out where I’m going wrong and, thanks to a job that involves a lot of sitting down and not much else, I think I’m finally starting to understand where I’m going wrong with all that stuff.
I have a limited window.
The Limited Window is something that comes into play with any potential romantic partners. Lately, this particular vetting process has become stranger and stricter and my boredom threshold has decreased meaning that if I don’t hit it off with someone RIGHT away (NOTE: Appearances aren’t that important, music taste etc is) then I’ll make good my escape pretty sharpish...sometimes through bathroom windows...
There is no point, in my fuddled, messed up mind at least, wasting too long with someone if the feeling isn’t just so. I don’t want to meet a ‘safe bet’ and then have them freak out a year or so later.
Life is too damn short to waste on lunatics. I wasted almost 5 years on someone who, well, blah, blah, wah, wah..
..I’m writing this rambling entry because lately I’ve had random people questioning my happiness because I’m not with someone. It genuinely freaks people out.
These people are usually in smug, boring relationships and they view all single guys and girls as freaks. These are the folks who, in most cases, have clearly picked someone out of a hat simply because ‘they’ll do’ and they don’t have much else going on.
That’s crazy to me. Romance shouldn’t be about settling for the first person that comes along and agrees with you, should it?
I don’t have any good relationships (in the real world at least) to look up to. Everyone I know seems to have become boring and one-dimensional with little time for friends, family or anyone they’re not sleeping with. I don’t want that. I want someone who I can take risks with, party with, some sweet somebody who can match me shot-for-shot at the bar and stay up to watch really bad movies, listen to good music and make up stories with me (or listen to my stories).
I want someone who can shake me sometimes and tell me when I'm being a dick or tell me when I've really done a good job...all that stuff.
It doesn’t seem a lot to ask but, until that person comes rolling into my odd ball exsistence, then I’m happy to drift along as a single guy. I have my friends. I’m not alone.
What’s to be unhappy about?
Do you know what I mean? Is it just me who warrants such concern from people? Who simply doesn’t want to settle for less when someone amazing could be out there?
The Limited Window makes it difficult, and nigh-on impossible, for 'settling'. It makes me seem shallow to most and scared to the rest. Maybe they're BOTH right.
But hey, I'm learning...
Examples are thus:
Oh, and playing hard to get with someone you barely know via text message doesn't work. If I don't know you how the hell am I supposed to know what the situation is? To me it just seems rude if people don't respond within a couple of hours. This is WHY we have modern technology, so things can advance quicker. If you dig someone you don't take a million years to respond to their very simple questions. It just seems like you couldn't give a shit and it makes me feel like I'm bothering someone ("Oh, that odd-looking fuck has text me again")
I don't chase people. That's not me. I need a big, bright sign that people like me because I'll never believe it otherwise..
In other news: A SCREETCH SEX TAPE?! The one thing more unappealing than a Christopher Bate one! I wonder if he does the faces and the geeky noises...
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Oh honey I am so with you on this one! I've been single for a while now ... okay a long while now ... and yes a boyfriend would be fabulous. However I'm not waiting for the one but I am waiting for someone not just anyone.
I still want the whole wuthering heights, completely in lust scenario, I still want that feeling of being completely aware of where they are in the room and holding my breath when they look me in the eyes.
Unfortunately some of my friends think this means I am too fussy, to scared to get involved etc The way I see it I just don't want to waste my time or anyone elses if its not going to mean something.
Sorry for long ranting response but have arrived home tipsy from the pub. Arse;)
Totally right! Never get into a situation where you are with someone just because it's better than being alone. It's pathetic, lame and disrespectful to both parts of the 'romantic' coupling!
I was single for years and dated loads of guys that mostly only lasted one date. I don't mean sex, I mean dinner and a few drinks... I am not your typical gaylord! It mostly didn't click so there was no point continuing but I kept some as friends because they're important. My husband was my friend first and we just sort of fell into the relationship because we just got on and understood each other. No bullshit and pretending and all the shit parts of dating. Perfect!
Being single isn't weird. Being picky (but not in a loopy way) is great.
trust me Chris, this is going to be a problem even when you are older and in a "stable" relationship. i mean, other people being smug in coupledom. So many times i have asked myself "why doesn't so and so invite me for coffee/dinner/a movie" etc
It does not have to do with you being single. These people are going to turn their back on you even when you have a girlfriend (after they have seen and gossiped about her of course).
In the same way you struggle with women I am pathetic with men.
Truth is you find one you think is the perfect match for you and they have completely opposite ideas. Out of confusion you start going on endless dates to find out all you want is that person who you had so much in common with.
I just go on these dates out of the hope that one day I may meet someone just like Jerk Boy who has the same feelings towards me. Yet, what I have ended up with is a string of disasterous dates and a couple of freakish stalkers lol.
Being picky isn't a downful it's a plus. When you do meet the person that your meant to be with you will be slighly smug because you know you wouldn't have settled for second best like other people. Oh and when you meet that person it's surprising how many of their faults you'll be willing to put up with - even their music taste ;)
No more escaping out of windows for you - deal?
Gretta x
Just chill out and enjoy yourself. You'll meet people who will enjoy themselves with you
A friend of mine (actually a couple of them) have recently "settled" and those same people who asked how they could possibly be happy as single people are now asking how they could possibly have settled...
ignore them all
beat to your own drummer
stay true to yourself
you will find someone
or they might be lucky enough
to find you.
Your ideas about a relationship are so damn cute. I love it. The right girl is out there, you'll stumble across her eventually. No worries. And in the meantime, enjoy your freakends!
Keep holding out until you find that right one! You'll know when you do. I've had people get worried when I was single for too long. It is the most annoying thing in the world, I think, to have to put up with stupid comments from these people.
Happiness comes from within you, not from someone else, and you'll find your other half when you're good and ready!
:) xox
I too have been single for a long long time and yes people don't seem to understand that I don't actually consider this a bad thing. The impression that I get is that some people seriously believe that being single is like being in limbo and that single people are all desperate for a partner so that they can live again. Personally I have had loads more fun in the last 3 years than I ever had in relationships and i've made loads of new friends.
I too can be incredibly 'picky' but again I don't consider this bad. I don't have a set of rigid criteria I just know what I want. Until I meet someone that I click with and want to be with, i'm happy single. Like you I don't see the point in a relationship for the sake of one.
You shouldn't be made to feel bad for being true to yourself you should be praised for it! The right woman for you is out there I'm sure :o)
Hooray for being single and happy, it's horribly easy to lose all your friends when you're stuck in a no-good smug relationship. I was lucky, they were all still there when I escaped.
My limited window is about seven minutes! And I have been known to wait half an hour before replying to a text, but I think that's just OK on your scale :)
oh god, reading this blog entry was like looking into my own soul. I wish I knew the answers - and I hope you find them too.
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