Monday, January 22, 2007

Wittering Heights

It is a time of great unknowing. Funny how things take a turn isn't it? A few months ago I was floundering, running around, putting on metaphorical puppet shows and twirling, twirling, TWIRLING.

Now, well, you know. Things have changed. Not too much but just enough.
Exciting stuff. Adventures for two.

A new location and a new vocation would be even better. We're taking baby-steps to ensure that these things will happen and happen soon. They will, of course, but they're not going to happen by clicking our fingers (I dropped out of Hogwarts. I kept missing the train.)

Scared? Of course I'm scared! I'm always scared! I create things to be scared about and they're not normal but I'm not normal. I'm a confident guy with low self-esteem so that invariably brings its complications.

I'm told this is how you get when you're in love; deep, deep, KER-AZY love.

My freakend was fun. Saturday was cool.
We saw a guy from work and Blair and I decided to be more social and say another hello after a brief, awkward 'Oh, hi' type interaction. We ended up having a great time and a wild mini-pool tournament in which saw yours truly actually win a game.

We won booze. Pictures to follow.
Kylie took the best ones. She is much better with a camera.

('Kylie: Like Chris but prettier and more incredible')

Blast Off was okay but no one seemed into it. It's a shame because I had a lot of energy that needed to be burned off. I had a run around in the garden. Bloody Red Bull.

Also heard from my cousin from America (I mean that in the literal sense, not the 'street' way) and he wants me to visit. We're also suggested a 'Musical Exchange':

"You see, I have been out of the loop on music lately as I haven't been able to buy a CD for months! It got me thinking that we could probably help to extend each other's music collection by sending each other a couple of CD-R's every month"

Considering my Cousin has the best taste in music and, as with most things, I've taken my cues from him, I'm pleased that he's looking to moi for something. After all, he introduced me to Modest Mouse, The Album Leaf, The Shins, Okkervil River...and so on and so on. This is the very, very least I can do for him. He once took me to a Lord of The Rings theme bar in Southampton. Enough said.

Better get back to job hunting. No pirate vacancies and I think 'secret agent' isn't an option at this point. Could you imagine me in a 007 role? Sheesh.


Anonymous said...

Things will indeed happen soon. I hope they will happen soon. I need them to happen soon. I'm going mad down here!!!

I'll post the pics on my blog when I get home tomorrow.


P.S. I can imagine you as 007, but please don't do it as it doesn't look very safe.

Christopher D. Bate said...

I think I'd be more like Johnny English. I should have at least TRIED to audition for Casino Royale.



x said...

Chris you are on the road to greatness. you are great already, but not millions of people know it. Well, soon they are going to find out.

Christopher D. Bate said...

As are you, miss.

Let's hope they do, huh? But not in a creepy Hollywood kind of way.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

So, it’s 2018. I’m staring down the barrel of my 40’s but with the same goofy mindset I honed in my 20’s. Mentally, it doesn’t feel as bad a...