Friday, February 23, 2007


Oh, what a week it's been. My first week of unemployment, my first real holiday since Spongebob knows when and it was certainly strange and definitely enjoyable. I got to spend a great deal of time with my girlfriend and new house mate, Kylie so that was awesome.
We both looked for new jobs, made plans and played Resident Evil 4.

I really couldn't play that game without her as I'm impatient and I find this particular game to be incredibly scary. If you've ever played it you will know what I mean. Anyway, she's been helping me kill zombies and sort things out.
The big shadow that was cast over the week was the whole 'will they or won't they?' situation that my former employers decided to play with me. Apparently, the goodbye email I sent last week didn't sit well with some people and they were threatening to withdraw my last paycheck. I realised that this would be completely wrong as I worked my months notice and, whatever happened on the last day, they couldn't just block money that I've worked for. I'm guessing it was just a scare tactic to stop the 'drones' from thinking for themselves. You should be allowed to say what's on your mind on your final day. Those that have read my email will agree that it wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, it just expressed concerns about the way the 'higher ups' run things. Apparently, one of the top guys was so enraged that he demanded that I be escorted from the building. Sadly for him, I'd already left. I left to applause and people congratulating me for saying the things they wanted to say.
To be honest, I'd expect nothing less than a childish 'break up' from my former employer. This is a company that doesn't even pay sick and fired one member of staff for the heinous crime of suffering from depression.
Still, I'm out of that shit now and I feel sorry for the good, good people who are stuck there, trying to buckle down and think of the cash. I did that for way too long and I got nothing out of it. Actually, that's not true. I made some amazing friends and, when it was allowed, I had some good laughs with them. I'm glad I left before it gets worse and it is likely to. My former company does not like people getting on and the people at the top of the tree want their workers to be just that.

(((Crush independence, creativity and lust for life.
You're here forever.
We DO hurt people.)))

I've been busy looking for a job that, if I'm going to have to work a 'normal' job it has to be good money and with a good atmosphere. I've also been doing some film stuff and, fingers crossed, things will work out there. Who really knows? I've always been a fan of surprises. It makes things more exciting. I want to have a good Freakend this weekend. It's needed.

I hope you know what I mean.


Maja said...

I know what you mean about Resident Evil 4. One of Geezer's friends was trying to get me to play it but I refused. I panic too much!

Boo former company! Huzzah for Christopher! Happy job hunting :)

Christopher D. Bate said...

I actually brought it the day before I went to London to meet you and Geezer so I've had it quite a while.

It's better when you play it with two people. It's easier on the nerves.

Eric said...

That is a great game. I usually play it when I get my "I feel like killing something... NOW!" moods.

Riot gun forever!

Christopher D. Bate said...

I've just sold that for the striker. I was told it was better. I was stuck on this boss that was this little guy in a plant. Then I found out you could kill him with one shot if you used the rocket launcher...

..Wow, I sound like a total geek!

Anonymous said...

I felt your letter was rather low key compared to one that someone sent out at my former employer a while back.

yesterday we had a big boss leave and he felt he could say anything he wanted. He made a sexual comment to me in front of my direct boss. I said... oh it's your last day and you think you can say anything you want?

he said I love it look how red in the face she is.

my boss laughed.
I let it go.

Now that was wrong.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

So, it’s 2018. I’m staring down the barrel of my 40’s but with the same goofy mindset I honed in my 20’s. Mentally, it doesn’t feel as bad a...