Sunday, February 04, 2007


Pictures from Friday's Glitterball and Saturday's Birthday Bash for my brother.

My brother's full-on charm offensive.
Nick, Matt, David J and Blair

The Glitterball was good fun. It was kind of like an elaborate school disco but, you know, more gay. The bar was pricey through so I opted to stay off the booze. This was for the best because I don't really drink that much anymore and I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of Kylie's friends. Or fall asleep. Or slide across the dance floor to 'Groove is in the heart'. I'm sure you get my point.

Saturday was my brother's birthday and we went to the usual stomping grounds to celebrate. We had an all-star cast this weekend and the turn out was great. The birthday boy had a good time, the music
was awesome and we jigged a merry dance.

Truman, keeping it unreal.
Glitterball shoes.
Apple Sourz at The Royal London

My hand.

See ALL PUNS BLAZING for more dirty details about Saturday


x said...

happy birthday to your handsome brother. :)

Christopher D. Bate said...

I'll be sure to tell him. He'll be flattered :)

I hope you're well

Blair said...

I see on that first picture i have managed to master the ancient art of "The Ghost Hand" which allows for the optimum in beer drinking comfort, it chills and preserves the flavour in a pint, It also give me the power to kill people with my touch.

Stephanie said...

happy birthday to your brother!

sounds like a fun weekend :)

PS - good advice on the drinking...i had a rather painful saturday

JM said...

Happy Birthday to your brother.

I think Chuck Taylors (Converse) are the perfect shoes for any occasion.

Cathy said...

I couldn't post to say congrats on the wheel of fortune!

Christopher D. Bate said...


It's going to be great fun. She's an awesome lady. :)

I've decided to add comments to every other post as I'm becoming something of a comments and kudos whore.

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