Thursday, March 15, 2007

Too much cheese creates dreams like these....

....Jack White bakes me a cake 'brim full of hatred' after I apparently offended him on Myspace. He did, however, let me write the treatement for his next music video.

....Kylie ran away to hang out with Si from Life is Cock.

....Jinx, my house mate's cat, was revealed as the most evil being on the planet


John said...

Well Chris if you will insist on consuming tyrosine filled products before bed...but just out of interest what did this evil tyrant cat get up to?

Stephanie said...

You DON'T want to make Jack White angry...even in your dreams. I've seen pictures of what that man can do!

And isn't that last one sort of true?

zuzula said...

cheese is evil. Avoid it at all costs!

Anonymous said...

you think cheese is bad... try tacos.

JM said...

Yeah, don't eat cheese before sleeping. Even the fake cheese like on Doritos, causes nightmares.

Devil Mood said...

I don't get why some posts have comments and others don't. ;)
I'll look forawrd to seeing your brother in the video. That Bruce Springsteen one is such a classic of ridiculous dancing :)

Simon Downes said...

LOL. that is so weird!! last week I had a dream that Kylie ran away to hang out with me!!

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