Thursday, April 19, 2007


I'm sorry if you come here and things have been a little half-hearted. i haven't really been in a blogging mood of late. Things have been happening, exciting and cool things but I haven't been able to put them into words. Plus, blogger has been causing me no end of grief.

I do read all of your blogs. Even if i don't comment, i'm still very much curious about your lives. On my dull and downer days, you keep me entertained. Sometimes It's good to know that, while I maybe feeling lost and bored in the office, you are doing cool things in warmer places.

Mirror Mask is a good film if you have the time to check it out.
I'm working on some cartoons. One, maybe more, will feature familiar characters.
Me and my brother are in a music video. My brother mostly.
I'm going to start putting more fiction on here. It's better than nothing (I'll leave that up to you)

Love and Lasers,

Christopher B


DanProject76 said...


Maja said...

You and nearly everyone else haven't been in the mood for blogging. I've had to start trying to find another group of bloggers out there. Of course I've been a bit too busy (for my liking) to spend much time reading blogs as well so I guess it goes both ways.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Shame really because I've met such cool people (like yourself and Geezer) through blogger and I don't want to lose contact.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

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