Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Mend fences. Move on. Get happy.

You can only stay annoyed at someone for so long before you forget what the fuss was about.
I think I'm guilty of being a little too sensitive.
I don't want to lose anymore sleep or good friends over it. Life is unruly enough.

History matters after all and every 'Peter' needs his 'Carl' (Or Jay/Silent Bob, Laurel/Hardy, Howard/Vince, Jez/Mark...You get the point)

Cheers, H.

Sorry to hear that The Cooper Temple Clause have split up. I just wish Queen would take the hint. And Status Quo. And The Rolling Stones...



Simon Downes said...

I quite like it when middling indie bands who didn't deserve any level of success in the first place split because not enough people care about them anymore.
The world will seem that much harsher when the stones/the quo do call it a day.

Christopher D. Bate said...

They had their moments...didn't they? That one song that went duhduuuhduhduh...Oh, fuck it. I didn't buy any of their records so i probably helped to kill them off.
I'm hoping The Twang will give up before too long. Hyped bands with no real talent are even worse.
NME bands I call them.
The Stones will be rocking long after we are dead. As will Bob Dylan.

Devil Mood said...

Never heard to The cooper Temple Clause...should I have?
I like that "life is unruly enough" - it is :)

ben said...

Dance even if you have nowhere to do it but your own home.

Reference occasionally excellent bands.

Dont worry if you've never heard The Cooper Temple Clause - some of my friends are 30 and have still never heard them.

Reference 1999 one hit wonder singles.

And thou shalt always....

Thou shalt always....

...Spout Mindless Inanities And Obvious Shit Over A Boring Backing Track For 17 Year Old NME Readers Without An Opinion On Any Subject Ever Who Should Be...


Pop humour there.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Devil Mood--They were a band who never really scaled the heights of, say, The Libertines or, uh, The Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.
One of them went off to join Dirty Pretty Things.

Ben--You've heard that too, huh? I thought 'interesting' when I first heard it but I think that feeling is done now.

DanProject76 said...

Huh? I am feeling old and confused.

Where did I leave that jam?

Anonymous said...

i am too sensitive.
but having faults is human.

Anonymous said...

cant knock Scroobius, his Thou Shall may have been hijacked by the NME in fear they are loosing touch but he has more to say than a 'popular' single will allow people to listen to. check him out, you might learn/appreciate somrthing. Double.
PS. I like the guy, i was his boss...

Christopher D. Bate said...

Whose boss? Scroobius?

NME blows. They suck the fun out of most bands. Grumble.

ben said...

The Coopers 2nd album "Kick Up The Flames..." is one of my favourite favourite records of all time. Saw them play live around the same time and they were frighteningly entertaining. Of course you try to tell most people and they either look blankly at you or sneer.

That "Thou Shalt Always Kill" song is just let down by a lot of very stupid or obvious comments ("Thou shalt not question Stephen Fry" - fucking hell, nobody tell Pamela Stephenson or the people from the RT then) which like it or not, are aimed at yer average NME subscriber.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Ben, you should do a version if you haven't already

Stephanie said...

Are you sure the Rolling Stones ARE still together? They look like creepy puppets of themselves...or...something.

Christopher D. Bate said...

I don't think they could get more leathery if they tried, puppets or not.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

So, it’s 2018. I’m staring down the barrel of my 40’s but with the same goofy mindset I honed in my 20’s. Mentally, it doesn’t feel as bad a...