Monday, May 21, 2007

Saturday Cave Man Action!!!!

As fun as Saturday was, it stopped being a fun fest when we went to the place I try to avoid most weeks. Blast Off. The worst indie club in the world.
It gets worse everytime I go and the people seem to get more backwards. I mean, how rude do you have to be to TRY AND PICK UP SOMEONE'S GIRLFRIEND RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR PARTNER?

No, dude. As self-consious as I am, I'm certain that I'm a better pick than Grabby Jim, Random Drunk and Frisky Pete.
Seriously, how CAVE MAN are most chaps?What's up with just GRABBING girls like you're shopping at TOPMAN?
Girls, you have my sympathy. Needless to say, K.P didn't run off and marry one of those pesky fucks. It was a reminder of what's out there. Chaps like the infected beasts from 28 Days/Weeks Later.
Thanks to the person who threw a drink up my back.
Nice touch. I have a feeling it was my old Blast off stalker. They're all ill-mannered and pissy at that place. Feed them Oasis and the usual 'Brit Pop' balls and let them dance like Bez or Ian Brown. DON'T take musical risks because the natives will get restless.
Still, beforehand it was golden. We hung out with Aaron and Anna which was nice as I think they're both, to quote Corinna AWESOMERAD. I got heart burn in The Little Civic.

Good times.

We did look the balls though. Kylie looked killer pretty in her electro-fairy get up. I would be a prime example of what not to wear (in a good way) and rocked the nail varnish once again, this time going for a yellow/black mix-up. I had 'finger bees'. A joke I ran into the ground.
We came back to my place after haggling with a tax driver to watch those old G.I Joe dubbed cartoons and drink tea. I watched some high lights of WWE because I'm a kid like that.
Still, it's a living..


ben said...

"A kid like that" Yes, yes you are. Deal with it, you Alanist. We like going to an indie / rock club called the Gasworks. Its a town over (to sound like a hillbilly) so its a proper trip out. It used to be rock and metal on Fridays, indie / alt on Saturdays (there's nothing wrong with the usual Britpop balls in moderation, I accept hey're not going to start busting out the Neko Case) but the past two Sats we went it was dull samey metal all night.

The DJ on the last trip just played 80s hair rock and grunge. Literally nothing from 1994 onwards. Now thats alright for a bit but for five hours? Pff. Fuck that. I wont be going back in a hurry. So be thankful you dont live in a no-horse town like Keighley. Your hair isnt nearly long enough...

Christopher D. Bate said...

Blast Off hasn't changed. I'm sure they slap on one of the 'Shine' albums and hit play.
I think it's more for people with a passing interest in music, who don't own records. I mean, how many times can you go crazy for the same Oasis/Killers track every week?

Maja said...

oh god I hate clubs that play the same music all the time, like a shit radio station. How rude of boys to be all grabbing and trying to pick up kylie when you're there. People like that really sap one's faith in humanity.

Christopher D. Bate said...

I was never like that when I was single. I was always so *meh* when it came to trying to meet people. Plus, I hate bothering anyone. I'm a decent sort like that.
I really can't blame them though. She's an amazing girl with all sorts of incredible qualities. She's just way out of their league. I'm lucky. Very lucky.
Methinks that was the final time. I was drunk, i gave into the 'moment' but that's what I get for indulging in the filthy fall down water. No more!

Unknown said...

It's always good to know, in an odd sense, that some things never change. :-)

I'm back online...good to hear all is well with you and Kylie!

Christopher D. Bate said...

hey there! Good to see you back and blogging. Ive started to become more regular again after a bout of 'phoning posts in'.

I shall scoot over to your blog and see how you are

You've Got What I Need... said...

Finger Bees! I like it.


Christopher D. Bate said...

I'm glad :)

Hello to you and welcome back!

DanProject76 said...

At least you went out to listen to music. I am sat at home listening to, in the last half hour, Gina G, Kriss Kross, Right Said Fred, MC Hammer, Ini Kamoze and C&C Music Factory.

Your hair photo made you look like a waxwork.

In my opinion anyway.

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