Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dream Dream Dream

I have a lot of dreams that usually feature me not being able to dial a phone properly. It's always Kylie I'm trying to call because, in my reacurring dream, we've never met up or gone out. My brother is usually the one that says: "You should give that girl a call"
This dream, or the variation of it, plays out a least once a week. I have no idea what this means but maybe I'm not supposed to.


Devil Mood said...

That is really interesting.

Anonymous said...

It sounds to like you want to tell her something but you are afraid in the real world. Therefore it is unobtainable to talk to her about it in your dreams. I used to have this dream that I was at work and I would get up from my computer desk and be in my underwear and not one person at work would even notice.

Maja said...

What an odd recurring dream to have!

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