Friday, January 23, 2009

Jibber Jabbery Post

I love my fridays off. Today, I played Dead Space on the XBOX with my good friend (and mild man crush) Aaron whilst drinking orange coffee. It was a reminder of when we used to live together in the worlds strangest house with the worlds most needy and violent cat. He's a good egg is the Heffman and it's always fun to see him. After that I got myself a much needed hair cut and my regular hair guy thought I was gay. I have a vibe apparently. Flattering really because I'd hate for anyone to think I was a louty laddy type. That would be awful, wouldn't it?
This week was the best in a while thanks to a fun filled night with my good friend Paul who took me to the TNA wrestling show. We had a really good time and, although I get mocked for being into wrestling, I'd happily go again. Kylie says that she likes the fact that I like wrestling rather than football. I suppose I should be happy that I'm not a louty laddy type because if I was, I would never have met Kylie. I also had good, modern thinking parents who either surrounded themselves with rock stars (Mom) or lived like one (My Dad and his bands). Some of my Dad's tales of touring would make for a great little film. Very surreal. I'm feeling good lately. I didn't keep to my resolution of not drinking but I've not got massively drunk since the new year, just a few drinks to lighten up at the weekend.
I'm currently listening to some Bobby Darin while I write. It spurs the writing on. Then, it's off to the rock bar in town to sit on the throne, drink a bit and listen to some guitar music with my friend Allan. His band, Science Vs Romance are very good.


DanProject76 said...

Does the TNA in TNA Wrestling stand for Tits 'N' Arse?

Christopher D. Bate said...

Total Nonstop Action. Although, they do like to play up to the other TNA thing.

Anonymous said...

We just had a big wrestling event here in town last night.

Louty laddy type... that is a first for me.

kimberlina said...

wow, what is orange coffee?? i'm intrigued!

coffee with orange zest? orange extract? tell me your secrets!

Christopher D. Bate said...

Orange extract. My friends/neighbours brought it for me when we went to this huge garden centre. It's very nice and it does the job!

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