Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Slight Returns

Long time no post. This blog has been in the hands of 'top men', boxed up and shoved next to ye olde artifacts of varying significance. As it turned out, this was seized by mistake and I was 're-gifted' (the governments words) it back. I'm not sure what they thought it was but they didn't seem pleased with the mix up. Maybe they thought it was the blog of Christ, not Christopher, a chap from the Midlands with concerns about comics, hair and finding the one (by that I mean a nice, non corporate job. I have a woman. She's currently playing Sonic)
Either way, I felt that it would be nice to slap down the old thoughts and daily events again. This blog always used to help me to figure things out and write more. It gave me a nice little identity and I really need to get more out of the net than Spotify and refreshing Facebook.
I blame FB for that shift to keeping everything in one electronic garden. I remember actually going to the website of a band to find out more about them, rather than LIKE them and have their latest news sandwiched between friends, family and other folk's activity. I have recently taken off a bunch of bands to make sure I'm less lazy. The same goes for Blogger. I used to enjoy reading about peoples daily events, reviews and random thoughts. You can't really get that on Facebook and Twitter is something I have a love/hate thing with. I mean, 'micro blogging' is another step towards us returning to cave man communication, grunting and pointing at our genitals to get our points across.
It's a new year. 2013. Sounds rubbish to me, like a frumpy jumper. It doesn't feel 'new'. I think it's because the number three is pretty boring. Sure, it's used in jackpots but, overall, it's a boring number. I felt the same about 2003. Actually, that was my worst year ever. Nothing good happened in that year. I have banged on about it before in this very blog and milked that bugger for sympathy and kisses. That was then.
I've decided to actually make some pretty rigid resolutions. They are simple enough to do but these simple things have, in recent years, been hard to do. I've been pretty bad at making time for people and spending a bit too much time and money in the various bars in Leicester. Social, sure but I'm not seeing old friends enough or seeing new things and places. Kylie and I are determined to go abroad this year. I haven't been on a plane since Hamburg in 2002 so it's sink or swim for me (or fly or don't fly..not sure)
I have been striving for more 'innocent times'. I want to have a break from bars for the most part and use the energy to get things done. With work and other distractions, it's been hard to focus on the creative side and I have not done half as much as I would like to do in the writing area. I want to make sure that a good balance is struck. When I was writing a lot, and things were happening, work was more tolerable. Without the creative outlets, all I have is spreadsheets and horrible office lingo.
I would like to reconnect with some people, be they fairweather friends or foes. I would like to tie up loose ends and make sure that the past is just that. I seem to have lost friends, good ones, over the last few years and I want to at least try to bridge the gap they (or me, accidentally) have created.
I want to go to more gigs and make the most of my week, rather than tick off days towards the weekend. At the moment, with my job being pretty far away from where we live, Kylie and I's date nights have become a thing of the past. Hopefully, with some tweaking, that can be sorted out. I want to make the most of every day I have and I do want to milk the shit out of what's left of my relative youngness.

So, yeah, that's where I am at now. I hope I can keep this up because, looking back at past blogs, I can get a picture of where I was when I posted. It's good. My resolution is to be good again.

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