Thursday, July 23, 2015

Wesley Snipes Slippery Snakes

Hi, I'm iconic actor - slash - Blade portrayer Wesley Snipes and I have been given an outlet right here on THE CHRISTOPHER BATE PROPERLY GANDERED (That's not it, Wes. We'll edit that. Don't let me forget before I post it out - CB) and I'm well into snakes and shit. Like, crazy into snakes. If I had my way, that movie SNAKES ON A PLANE would be called SNAKES ON A PLANE? I LOVE IT and it would star yours truly as Blade.

I've been in Hollywood a long time and I've seen it all. You name it, I've seen it. Seriously, name something weird and I bet you I've seen it. Twice probably. I've lived a life, man. A life inside the big wheel of showbiz.

Anyway, I dig snakes. I like the way they slither (no diggity, I'd like to bag them up)  so I've made a list of snakes that I would like to add to my extensive snake collection.

Grass Snake

This mother slithered is found in Merry Olde England. It's polite and doesn't have the will or the want to kill humans. It's mostly harmless and can be easily spotted by it's motion in the grass. It also wears a top hat and has bad teeth. I've been to England many times but I've never seen one. If you catch one, let me know as I would like to adder it to my collection (*Chris, can you make sure you keep the snake pun as I feel that will show that I have a sense of humour unlike my alleged behaviour during the filming of Blade 3: A Trinity of Blades)

Image result for anaconda


Nicki Minaj sang that she didn't want any of this fabulous creature (or maybe she did. and it was a metaphor for something) but I disagree. This is an amazing creature and one that would fit pride of place in my collection (of snakes) as it's really the DADDY of snakes. It can eat a bus. Or a Jon Voight (Like in that movie about a giant Anaconda whose name I forget) I would like to go nose-to-nose with one of these guys and pitch a movie about it. Starring Blade.



So called because it has a penchant for 80's infused death metal. This scaley son of a bitch is feared because of its snidey nature. It won't so much attack you head on, it will work it's way up the chain of command and have you booted off the project. It is a lethal, untrustworthy thing, a lot like my agent who. let's be honest, is worse than Hitler. Or the Hitler Snake (I don't want that snake)

If you know of  how to obtain these snakes, let me know at

In the meantime, you can see me live on stage in 'Waiting for Godot'

As Blade.

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