Tuesday, March 22, 2016

We've Come A Long Way, Greeper

I started this blog years ago, for the most part, to get a grip on things. I wanted to be part of a community that I wasn't part of in real life due to social anxiety and my overbearing, all consuming awkwardness. I wanted to belong to something and then explain it later, mostly to people who, pre-Facebook, didn't get online friends.
The community came oddly easy to me and has lead to some amazing friendships both on theses shores and further away. I was able to create podcasts and audio jiggery pokery with Ben Baker, a man I view on a higher plateau than he would understand.
This online gaggle of guys and girls swapped comments on blogs, exchanged gifts and gave hope to a deeply confused, post-Kylie twentysomething. It was a period of my life that I completely, utterly cherish. 
Corinna and Adam came into my life when Stephanie, Maja and Jason did. It's hard to pinpoint exactly but they were all soon part of it all, the whole show. I was obsessed with trying to prove myself after a bad breakup and I found solace in their words and their comments on my perhaps less than impressive posts. I wanted to be someone else, a film maker and, man, did they let me carp on about it. Those Bloggers were never less than supportive, honest and amusing.
To meet people who interacted was always like meeting famous folks; Maja and Jason took me to the heart of Camden, a place that still sucks me in to this very day. Ben, Dan and Jamie all gave me weekends of fun and geekery that is always a pleasure, and I hope will continue (all of whom are coming to my wedding)
 One of the other bloggers would soon go one further and become, literally, part of my family. Chezza met Kylie's brother Adam and I have Blogger to thank for that too. 
It makes you appreciate the net, for what it can do. It can lead to two podcasters coming to your house to surprise you (CJ and Daz) or to reuniting a sock monkey army in Camden, which is what happened this past weekend. 
It's always a pleasure, and a mind blower, to meet such people. I'm lucky to know them, online and off. 

Shout out to Greg Buns Mills, Simon Downes (who I've literally bumped into twice, and still owe a drink from Blast Off), Kari, Sarah,Aimee and Cindy. 


DanProject76 said...

I'm posting a comment on Blogger! It still exists!

Christopher D. Bate said...

Ah, the days when words said more than a little thumbs up. I miss it.

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