Wednesday, January 19, 2005


  1. If you have a fall/ fit at work people will flock towards you like a herd of morbidly curious sheep, getting in the way of the decent types who genuinely care and who can actually do some good. I pity the poor chap who became gawp and gossip fodder for the sad wastrels with such empty lives. When did we become such a heartless and twisted race, so devoid of entertainment that we feel the compulsion to deride thrills from the trauma of others? I blame such programmes as 'When Buildings Fall Over' and 'When Animals Attack 79'. Agony sells. Just ask The Sun and The Mirror
  2. What is the point of Lollipop Ladies if they stand there and block the button which enables you to cross?
  3. My boss is a pretty decent woman.
  4. The guy next to me isn't.
  5. In an effort to 'look forward, not back' I've booked tickets to see Bright Eyes. I figure the excitement of good things to come warrants further abuse of my credit card.
  6. The guy next to me has just said that my haircut makes me look "like I've had an electric shock". I'm back in High School! It's 1995! What's he going to do next, say his Dad is better than my Dad? Perhaps he will write rude words on my pencil case.
  7. Television is getting worse (See 1) Last night I watched 'Britney's Trashiest TV Moments' on TMF (I have shitty cable. No MTV2, no Classic Rock, Amp, Scuzz etc) It was true car-crash television. Baring your midriff if you are a reasonably attractive young woman is not really shocking is it? She also walked into a public toilet NOT WEARING SHOES! Whoopee. It's hardly rock and roll, is it? I'd hate to be a celebrity. You can't do anything without salivating journos following you around and writing about trivial and pointless everyday things. The programme actually made me feel sorry for her and everyone who took part in it's production. The Devil truly does make work for idle hands. Now a biog on The Rolling Stones, Bowie, Dylan, Jeff Buckley, Led Zep etc....THAT'S entertaining, mainly because these guys are ARTISTS OF WORTH! They have stories of creation and craftsmanship and the agony and ecstacy life on the road. They don't just mime and dance about like puppets.....I'm rambling. Hopefully, a point can be salvaged from the above.
  8. Trying to avoid a conversation about religion. I can't seem to get out of it. The subject confuses me and if you're honest on that particular subject you end up upsetting someone. I'm not big on Mr Christ, let's put it that way.
  9. I am really restless.
  10. There is no point 10.


D.T. Johnson said...

Some very good musings there! Yes agony sells. Tis a terrible and sad truth. Never, do you hear in the paper about the little boy who loved his hamster so much that he paid £100,000 for it to have a heart transplant.
Nor do we see Santa's list of all the people who have been good the entire year, surely THEY are worth a mention in a tabloid paper.

Instead we see the crime spree of all the retarded fuckwits out there who would sell their souls to sleep with a whore. Who would take another man's life just because he "looked at me funny".
Such is modern day media, that one cannot help but feel alone in a world of muggers, kidnappers and murderers.
The only people you can trust are the ones you know. It is not uncommon to cross the street if you see a few youths heading your way. Even then you still think they will run across the street, dodging traffic, just to steal from you your mobile phone and wallet, leaving you in a pool of blood from a stab wound.
This is why people commit suicide. They can't deal with all the ignorant assholes in the world.

Sitting here. With a day off from my tedious, underpaid, unsatisfactory and meaningless job, I would like to think that I, David Thomas Johnson, can make a difference to the entire world. Yet I know it to be fairytale for me to make any significant difference. To a few individuals, yes I can do something, but for more than (or less then, I'm unsure of the current population) 6 billion people, what can I do? To do anything I would have to be rich. Money is what makes this world turn. It is what causes hunger in third world countries, it is what causes the deaths of millions of people each day (as well as religion).
I have certainly gone on for a bit now. I think that I have managed to waste my time and no doubt anyone else who reads this. But it's a miserable day, like every day. So i will make the most of it and clean the house.

Christopher D. Bate said...

You are right. 've been in a very cynical and mournful mood. This usually happens when I take notice of the newspapers, sorry, tabloids.
I've always felt that the ones closest to you are the ones worth keeping. That's perhaps why i freak out when I feel like people are moving on without me. I think my biggest fear is loneliness. I'd rather die than see someone close to me pass away. I can't deal with grief.
Maybe I'm oversensitive.
This comment has nothing to do with anything but there you go. I try to make the most of what I've got while I've got it. Try and block out the bullshit and the tyrany of the world and forge ahead with my own simple agenda with the few people i really care about.
I've seen the end, face-to-face, and trust me it's not pretty.
Anyway, let's lighten things up. Bright Eyes in March, mate! Something to look forward to!

Christopher D. Bate said...
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