Tuesday, February 22, 2005

CRUNCH BOY #2: Films

Hello, Christopher.

I was in the video shop today.
I was looking for a movie I hadn't seen. It was very difficult as I have seen a lot of films and I have a lot of time on my hands.
I came across two potential rents, Samuel Bannister's mild-mannered drama 'Unpeeled Onions' and Billy Wiener's zombie musical 'The Chuckling Dead'. It took me a long time to decide on a winner. I weighed up each films pros and cons. 'Unpeeled Onions' had a promise of 'soft focus photography' and 'powerful emotional speeches' whilst 'The Chuckling Dead' promised 'massive terror' and 'creaky furniture'.
It was a tough decision, one I'm not fully equipped to handle. Both films had me on the rails, but I could only rent one. I stared at the boxes and re-read the blurbs countless times. I realised I'd been standing there a while when a young man approached me and asked if I needed any help. I shook my head. He walked away.
He returned about an hour later. He seemed a bit agitated. He suggested that I make my choice before the store closed. He also suggested that I put my trousers back on. He wasn't aware that it was part of the decision making process. He was a bit annoyed by this point so I did as he asked. I closed both of my eyes and threw both cases into the air as I thought that might help. 'The Chuckling Dead' hit the man right on the forehead. I had a winner.
I asked Lawrence to come round and watch it with me. He brought popcorn and panda pop. We had a great time. I'm glad I called him.
The film itself was interesting and was everything that it said it would be. I praised myself on such a wise decision as I walked Lawrence to his tree.

Hope the rash has cleared up.

Your friend ,

Crunch Boy


Blog ho said...

Crunch boy has a lot of time for you.

Blog ho said...

but i was amused by Crunch Boy.

LeperColony said...

I had one of those. It had a much more amusing name, but its content wasn't as good.

Christopher D. Bate said...

I think he just likes to tell me stories. He had a blogspot at some point. Think he may have given up on it though.

Christopher D. Bate said...

If it keeps him off the streets I figure I'm doing a service to society.

lilmammal said...

What was his blogspot? I find him rather entertaining. Not bad as far as swimfans go.

Blog ho said...

I must agree w/ Indy. You were very lucky to have such a fan...there must be something about you that attracted him...a certain wit.

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