Thursday, May 26, 2005

Greetings from the land of Boredom!


I need money for various endeavours so I have come up with some ideas I can sell to various companies. Here are a few of them:

HARSHmellows--Marshmellows with insults on them. Personal ones like "You DO look fat in that dress" and "Your future spouse will be your destruction".

A chocolate selection called 'Empty Promises'. I'm sending this one to Nestle (Fuck Cadbury's). Imagine the advert: "Give her a box of Nestle's Empty Promises and state your half-arsed desires with confection"

Holy Bon Jovi!--A religious musical based around the music of Jon 'Duuuurr' Bon Jovi. It would clean up in the West End.

Fingers crossed.

In other news, I have plans for a rather frenzied Bank Holiday weekend, starting a night early with drinking and dancing at The Planet, Wolverhampton. If anyone happens to be in that area, look for the guy that's dancing like a 12 year old at a wedding. That's me.
Thanks to those who send me info on Channel 4's holler for unsolicited sketches. I have some prepped (Some of them have appeared on this very blog) and ready to (un)amuse the execs on the 'hippiest' terrestrial television station.
Also, I've been trying to find comedy clubs that host open mike spots. I think it's time to bite the bullet and have a bash at stand-up. I've been tempted for so long and I need to know if I can amuse a group of strangers that aren't a)work colleagues b)Close, biased friends. I'm guessing I'll fall flat but the juice could be worth the squeeze.

Aside from that it's all work, work, work and play, play, play.
That's not a bad average, is it?

Warm pats on the head and overbearing man-hugs,

(Or plain Chris to those not familiar with Snoop speak)

A better post may or may not follow.....

Aloofus, Aloofus...

So, it’s 2018. I’m staring down the barrel of my 40’s but with the same goofy mindset I honed in my 20’s. Mentally, it doesn’t feel as bad a...