Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Geezer Sneezer*

Coming soon to MTV:

The 'Pimp My...' series gives birth to a whole litter of spin-offs:
'Pimp My Kite'--Some rapper that used to be all about shooting, shagging and 'hatin' "mo'fuckin' po-lice" presents a safe, shallow and altogether stupid show featuring kids having their tattered kites 'blinged up' beyond belief. See! Kites with diamonds! Witness! Kites with plasma screen T.V's attached to them!

From the makers of 'Chimp My Ride', 'Pimp My Wife' and 'Shrimp My Tide'


No deep personal la-la from me today because I'm sniffling and snuffling from yet another cold and it it's due to this that I have stayed in most nights.

I don't want to spread it around. I want to bring joy, not germs.

You can't get flu through Blogger.



(* Couldn't resist the pun)

P.S If anyone knows how I can 'Pimp My Blog' (i.e jazz it up with a better header or spruce it up a little) then could you please let me know. Thank ye :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great site » »

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