Wednesday, November 09, 2005

West Midlanders! Prepare Thyself!

Death Rides The Nine will be playing The Light House, Thursday 19th Jan, 7pm.

And, straight from the horses mouth (And by horse I mean the screening organiser):

"We would like you to do a Q and A, especially as you sound like you have lots of interesting experiences and people will be very keen to know how you got your script commissioned."


"We would like pictures to accompany our publicity either of yourself, or if you have stills of the film, even better. We will also need a bit of blurb about yourself, ie what you have done and what you are working on now, etc, something to spice the up the publicity."

Screening AND Q & A. Extra joy!

Aloofus, Aloofus...

So, it’s 2018. I’m staring down the barrel of my 40’s but with the same goofy mindset I honed in my 20’s. Mentally, it doesn’t feel as bad a...