Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Lost In The (Non) Plot

It's been brought to my attention from a valued source that my scripts and stories are good but they don't really have a plot.

Is that a particularly bad thing when you're a fan of 'talky' productions?

It never stopped Seinfeld.

Or Richard Linklater.

Or Woody Allen.

I'm just ramshackle, yo.


Stephanie said...

You rawk, Christopher. Don't forget it.

Mimey said...

So suddenly going to pirate university isn't a plot??!!?!

The insanity.

DanProject76 said...

They have enough plot for me.

Devil Mood said...

I think you have a point there.

ben said...

They've more plot than 90% BBC Three's entire comedy output.

"Tonight on GrownUps - Sherdian Smith has tits."

Maja said...

Plots are for soap operas!

Clive_Evil_C said...

Comedy needs a plot? I thought plot was a lose thing which held together the comedy.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

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