Friday, July 28, 2006

I've started saying 'Yes' again. I stopped for a while because, well, I don't really know WHY I stopped. I don't know why I do most things.

Usually this is a good thing because the unknowing keeps me going.

Anyway, out-of-the-blue texts and invitations open the doors to strange and surreal places.

For three days, I will have next to no sleep AND do overtime at work. All because of 'Yes'.

I saw an old flame (Not literally) last night that I foolishly let go a couple of years ago to do what I thought was the right thing for the wrong person. She understands now but it still kind of bugs her because she still likes me a little. (I'm like a nice virus in Vans)

I'm still kicking myself. Sometimes, when they see her, my friends kick me too, such is her prettiness

Sadly, she didn't ask me any questions that could be answered with a yes.

I'm off to Ramshackles tonight to do what I usually do when the freakends roll around.

In the quieter moments, it'll be all rewrites and whatnot for 'Bent Soul'

Keep your crossibles crossed for that.

Have fun. Shimmy, shake and tap someone on the shoulder and invent a legacy for yourself. I'm not sure what I mean by that but perhaps you might..


Mimey said...

My swords and eyes are crossed for you. I'm considering a quick course in botany to work out how to cross pollinate stuff. That sounds lucky.

Loving the idea of inventing that legacy. I know exactly what you mean.

And drink plenty of water and take regular breaks if you must push yourself to the limit. And then write it all down before you forget (through lack of sleep) so we can all share a piece of the action. Overtime you say: woo hoo, tell me more!

Stephanie said...

I re-learned yes when I started my blog and it all sort of snowballed from there. No is still good when you find you've yessed too many times.

Happy Friday!

Sassy said...

I have a problem with saying no. Im trying to change that. I could also kick myself over some great guy I let go years ago. But I guess it wasnt meant to be. Have a good freakend, Christopher.

Cathy said...

Have a great freakend! :)

Why did you have to say no to the pretty girl?

Cindy-Lou said...

You make me wish I had a life like yours, do you know that?

Christopher D. Bate said...

JVS--You would not believe how tired I was by Sunday morning. I was seeing things by the time I got home. After spending a night on my friends bean bag, I spend most of Sunday in bed catching up on much, much needed Z's.

Super Steve--It's odd that you're not jigging with us. I didn't have the chance to say yes to anyone...or maybe I wasn't opening myself up to opportunity enough...again.

Stephanie--I had to use No yesterday when I had no energy left. I didn't want to but needs must.

Sassy-- "I could also kick myself over some great guy I let go years ago"

I wish some girls could say that about me! I'm always kicking myself.

Cathy--usually pretty girls say no to me. It's unfair really. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Cindy-Lou--Really? I always thought my life was rather half-assed!

Aloofus, Aloofus...

So, it’s 2018. I’m staring down the barrel of my 40’s but with the same goofy mindset I honed in my 20’s. Mentally, it doesn’t feel as bad a...