1. A Cuddler?
2. A morning person?
Mostly yes. I prefer if there has been a wild night before hand.
3. Are you a perfectionist?
Not as much as I should be.
4. An only child?
No. I'm one of three. I have a younger brother and sister.
5. Catholic:
I couldn't handle the guilt.
6. In your pajamas?
I'm wearing P.J bottoms and a Wilco t-shirt. Steady, Ladies (Or men)!
7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?
Not at the moment. Ask me again in a year or so.
8. Okay styling other people's hair?
I can't handle that level of power. "Do unto others.. etc"
9. Left handed?
On this occasion I'm right.
10. Addicted to MySpace?
Not really. My only real addictions are writing and pro-plus.
11. Shy around the opposite gender?
Terribly. It's one of my major weaknesses.
12. Loud?
I can be. It depends how full of beans I am (For beans read Caffeine)
12. Bite your nails?
No. I bite other peoples. Sometimes it's not even their nails.
13. Get paranoid at times?
Of course. I'm paranoid now. People might be sick of my MEME posts.
14. Currently regret something that you have said/done?
Not currently. This could change at any point.
15. Curse frequently when you get mad?
I just make strange noises.
16. Enjoy country music?
Not the 'I've got a tractor and I'm-a goin' to a ho-down!' type country. I prefer country rock: Trailer Bride, Wilco, Ryan Adams, Okkervil River etc
17. Enjoy jazz music?
I like a toot now and then. I was listening to some jazz with my Dad earlier today.
18. Enjoy smoothies?
Very much so. I find them filling.
19. Enjoy talking on the phone?
No. I avoid the phone whenever possible. I tend to ramble.
20. Have a lot to learn?
About women, yes. I love learning. Who will teach me? More to the point, who has the patience?
21. Have a pet?
A cat called Jinx and a sock monkey called Lester P. Mason (If you don't think a sock monkey counts as a pet, Corinna may fight you)
22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?
Hell yeah...and stay with the fucker too long. I'm learning though. I kind of dig the fact that I'm a bit shit with that sort of thing. Odd, no?
23. Have all your grandparents died?
I have three out of four. My Grandfather passed away last new years. He was a swish guy and much missed. He used to spin some sweet, surreal yarns.
24. Have at least one sibling?
I have two. They are both more sensible and grounded than I am.
25. Have been told that you are smart?
I've been told that I'm creative but no one has ever said 'You're smart'
26. Have had a broken bone?
27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?
You have to in this day and age. You can avoid the unwanted callers.
28. Changed a diaper?
No, but I'm going to have to at some point. I've been looking after my niece and my sister thinks that it maybe a good time to learn. Although, after the incident with the potty today, she may be thinking otherwise.
29. Changed alot over the past year?
I've changed a lot over the last 18 months or so. Before that I was a blank canvas with a nothing life. I'm fine-tuning things these days.
30. Had friends who have never seen your natural hair color?
All my friends know I'm living a lie. It's been a long time since I've been natural.
31. Had surgery?
No. I've been tested on...
32. Killed anyone?
What kind of freaked out meme is this? Of course not. The only person I'd ever kill is myself and that's not going to happen just yet.
33. had your haircut within the last week?
I need a haircut....

1. Slept in the bed beside you?
No one. I've been spreading out like a star-fish for quite some time.
2. Saw you cry?:
One of my best friends.
3. Went to the movies with you?
My brother Nick and Stephanie.
4. You went to the mall with?:
Truman. He wanted to buy some clothes and I wanted to buy more outlandish socks. We both came away empty handed.
5. You went to dinner with?
6. You talked to on the phone?
My housemate Mark.
7. Said 'I love you' to you and meant it?
Today to my Dad.
8. Broke your heart?
Ages ago. It's all pretty boring now.
9. Made you laugh?
H and Lan whilst watching '50 Most Bitchy Moments'
1. Pierce your nose or tongue?
2. Be serious or be funny?
Funny. I'm addicted to making people laugh. Sadly, it doesn't happen all the time.
3. Drink whole or skim milk?
4. Die in a fire or drown?
I'd like to get eaten by a shark. I want to give something back.
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?
Parents. I don't have any enemies because life is too short for that stuff. I have people I'd rather not see again and my parents have people they'd rather me not see again. My Dad and I talk about music and writing so it's always good to be around him. My Mom fusses and tells me to 'work less, write more' (The exact opposite of what she used to say) and to avoid 'wrong women'.
1. What time is it?
Either too late or too early. You decide..
2. Name?
Christopher Bate
3. Nickname(s)?
C-Bizzle, Vorpal Spaz Kendall, Baron Salad-Back, Funkster (Thanks Aaron) and Prison Bitch (Thanks, Dominic)
4. Where were you born?
5. What is your birthdate?
December 14th 1979
6. What do you want?
To write more films.
7. Where do you want to live?
Hamburg. Canada. La-La Land
8. How many kids do you want?
0. I'm happy being an Uncle.
If you kill yourself I am going to KILL YOU!!! Oh wait, that doesn't work. If you are sad call me or someone on your side of the Atlantic.
(email me if you need my number - I'm SERIOUS)
Canada huh?? Yeah it's pretty cool here...I would love to meet you Baron Salad-Back. :)
I could never be that drastic (Kill myself, I mean. I'd love to call the mighty Binsk) I was just responding to what was the silliest meme question I've ever read.
I would love to meet you too. I reckon it would be great fun! Hopefully, it will happen at some point in the future.
I hope you are well x
I want to do that meme!!
I also sleep like a star fish. Wicked.
A highly entertaining read. Always a joy to read you, sir.
Did it start out at the FBI in an attempt to clear up a backlog of unsloved murders?
Did you ever kill..well there was this one guy...doh! There's me in the electric chair.
Make sure you appreciate the joy of being able to spread out like a starfish in bed! It won't last forever and it does have some plus points.
Spaz Kendall?
I want that name too.
Missy--I'd love to read your version of this. I think it's one of the better ones I've done and I've done plenty.
JVS--Likewise! I was going to go into a list of people that I would, if I were so inclined, kill but I thought it would be too dark and scary.
I can't imagine sharing a bed again. I'm so used to stretching out.
Dan--It's my Conversational Balloonist alias. My friend H's is Hector-Rebecca Prism-Sent. It keeps us of the streets. Mostly.
I'd love to see other bloggers do this meme. If you have let me know. I'm so nosey!
What the heck I'll give it a go.
Yay! Nice one. Look forward to reading it.
I have cut and pasted it ready for when I am not mentally 'a bit too knackerd.' So that'll be Wednesday.
I don't think I could live if you were to be eaten by a shark. I think I may have to drown myself in a fire or something.
I like hugs too, hope you have good shoulders - nothing like good shoulders ;).
OMG..I was going to do this meme and then it kept going on and on and on...:) but very very interesting read, Christopher Bate, with the long bangs.
And you told your da that you loved him today, lovely son :)
Now go and change your neices diaper.
I usually snooze through memes
but you are witty and wonderful
and funny too.
I'm glad you're broken heart
is boring now.
I can't wait to be in that
place tooooo.:)
Dan--I usually wake up around Wednesday. Monday and Tuesday are my limbo days.
I look forward to reading your take on this.
Gretta--My shoulders are okay. I've never had any complaints. Do people complain about shoulders?
DayByDay4-2Day-- "maybe in la-la land it's okay to waer your hair that way???"
Let's hope so, eh? Shabby could be the price of admission. It's all getting lopped off at the weekend. I feel like a change.
Do english drink iced tea?
Other people do but I can never get my head around it. 'Iced tea'? It sounds freakish to me. Tea has to be a) warm and b) in a mug
Cathy--My Dad has never been afraid to say 'love you' on the phone and I've never been scared to say it back. I once did it during a phone call at work and my co-workers gave me no end of teases because of it.
I've never really been afraid to tell people how I feel about them, friends and family, because I know I'm lucky to have them (Aaaah! etc)
I don't think I'm ready for diaper changing! I know the more I look after my niece and nephew, the more likely it is that i will have to do it. Still, my niece knows how lame I am and I think she loves me for it.
Sophie--"I usually snooze through memes
but you are witty and wonderful
and funny too"
This is the kind of review I like! :)
"I'm glad you're broken heart
is boring now.
"I can't wait to be in that
place tooooo.:)"
You will be and when that day comes, you'll feel unstoppable! I love that 'Hey, I'm over it' period because crazy, cool things happen. My break-up was very muddled and savage so it took a while for particular bruises to heal. I can't remember what my (h)ex looked like, just what she did.
You'll be more than fine.
That was one mighty meme, Mister Christopher.
Your turn?
I enjoyed that. I reckon Wordsley would be a brilliant middle name.
i'm slightly intoxicated...but it appears to be two memes here. nevertheless i'm stealing it/them.
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