Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Fear of Cartoon Rabbits and Modern Hollywood

Last night, I was too tired to do anything after a packed weekend and a rock and roll, Ryan Adams Sunday. I decided to drink tea, veg out and try to relax. This is hard for me because I always like to be doing something. If I'm not writing or trying to 'forward myself' I feel like I'm letting myself down.
Last night, try as I might, I couldn't do anything except drink tea and veg out. My one regret about this is that, in my state of fatigue, I ended up watching a programme called 'The Fabulous Life of Hot Young Hollywood' which taught me a whole bunch of things, one of which was that I'm glad I'm not part of Hot Young Hollywood.
The programme contained Paris saying 'That's Hot' a lot (She even had a scooter that said that stupid catch phrase when she turned the handle bars). Honestly, Can you imagine me on your T.V screens, wearing stylish clothes and running 'Swish!' into the ground? If that ever happens, run up and slap me.


I had to flip channels before I heard anymore on clothing lines, 'bling' and young Hollywood empires.

There it was, on Film Four, THAT DAMN RABBIT FILM...

..Watership Down..

People say that Bambi haunted them, the harsh parts of 'The Lion King' but they are NOTHING compared to the misery that is Watership Down. I remember sitting down to watch this 'childrens' flick when I was about three. I was horrified by the violence, horror and 'Bright Eyes' by Art Garfunkel (Which still gives me chills) I was so distraught that I dropped the hot soup I was eating all over my lap.

I have refused to watch that film ever since.

People (Including my ex) have tried to get me to watch the film again and I've always refused.

Last night, I saw a snippet of it and realised that, despite being older, it's still a horrible, depressing film. I actually saw the part that really got to me as a kid (Apart from the end *Shudder*): a wounded rabbit, trapped in a tunnel filled with his dead friends and family.

Suddenly, 'The Fabulous Life of Hot, Young Hollywood' didn't seem that bad.


ben said...

I despise Wathership Down but thats mostly due to it being shit. Its no Kermit's Swamp Years thats for sure...

Stephanie said...

We'll keep you grounded ;)

bornindifferent said...

Some sick sick person actually bought me the picture book of the film of Watership Down when I was a child. I had nightmares for years - I have only seen the film once and can't bring myself to see it again even as an adult. Bambi is tame in comparrison.

missy said...

Did you read the book? I haven't seen the film...

Anonymous said...

i read the book first, which was lovely. i saw the movie later in life and it was so psychedelic! also, sad. could definitely understand it traumatizing you as a child. though maybe it was partly due to the hot soup...

Christopher D. Bate said...

Ben--I don't know if it's shit or not being the big coward that I am. I do despise it for helping to burn my little nuts.

Stephanie--Are you sure? I'm already enough of a handfull.

Emba--Another person rocked by the horror film disguised as a childrens feature. BAN THIS SICK 31 YEAR OLD FILM!

Missy--Save yourself, don't watch the film. Ever.

Kimbelina--To be honest, it's more to do with the shock it caused me as a kid. I'm sure, if I sat and watched it as an adult, it wouldn't be so bad.

DanProject76 said...

I'd like to watch a combination of the two: Paris Hilton and her 'hot' friends trapped in bit human-sized rabbit traps. Oh yes.

She de la Handbag said...

Ah, Watership Down is fab ... cry your teeth out sad but a good film none the less, and quite interesting on the 'issues' front. For pure trauma disguised as children's entertainment look no further than Dumbo:(

Stephanie said...

You are hardly a handful now, but I assure you that I can keep you in line in the future. ;)

Gretta James said...

Yep I agree with you about watership down. I actually have never watched it to the end.

Also I love Lion King but I cry every time the dad lion dies.

Bambi gets me too.

Oh and Dumbo, Dumbo is a killer.

Walter said...

I have never understood why "Watership Down" is regarded as a family film.

It isn't something your six year old sister or brother or niece should watch... it's horrific.

Great movie, though.

My Grandad used to skin rabbits in his kitchen, and make pies with them...

abc4 said...

its impressive when you find out how clearly trauma translates. when we saw that 'picture' in school we couldnt even talk about it. we were all changed people.

but then, i got nightmares from yoda.
and the pink panther.

i still have a hard time drinking cream soda.

Anonymous said...

pet cemetary scared me as a child. i was scared for a long time of opening cabinets for fear of dead animals attacking me. when i brushed my teeth, i would press my knees against the doors so that nothing could come out and i'd wrap all the little cabinet knobs in string or rubber bands to keep them locked in.


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