Monday, October 02, 2006

Ryan Adams @ Shepherds Bush Empire

Despite being tired, sick and battling the usual band of heckling pricks, Ryan and his merry band rocked. They played these songs:

Tears Of Gold
Blue Hotel
Goodnight Rose
Cold Roses
Arkham Asylum
Meadowlake Street
Let It Ride
Stella Blue
Magnolia Mountain
Easy Plateau
Dear John
A Kiss Before I Go> Wharf Rat>egyptology

London was fun. Thanks again to Stephanie for a great day in the city.

I'd write more but I'm so very tired. I got back from London at 3:30 this morning and I had to be at work for 9. Travelling takes it out of me...and I have a cold.

Nurse me somebody.


missy said...

You poor thing!

I hope you get enough rest and recover from your cold and the travelling xx

She de la Handbag said...

I wish you paracetamol, hot lemon squash and a big fuzzy blanket my friend:)

Cindy-Lou said...

You are such a rock star, I could never keep up with you!

sophie said...

how was your date?

did you have a date?

did you kiss her in the rain???!!!!

Steve House said...

if its worth being tired then be tired. Sleep can always be caught up with.

Damn it I sound like Bon Jovi. It's lucky there are no guns in Korea

Christopher D. Bate said...

Missy--I've got to rest up before I get so tired that I start seeing things..again.

She of the Handbag--Thank you. That's tonight sorted.

Day--Get well soon!!

Cindy-Lou--Thanks! I'm sure you could keep up with me...or leave me in the dust. You're a rockn' young lass!

Sophie--See a few posts down 'The Limited Window' pretty much covers it.
I haven't kissed anyone in the rain for a long time, mores the pity. There's nothing quite like that.

Steve--You know me too well. I feel good because I've earnt the right to rest. I hate doing nothing. It's the shark in me.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

So, it’s 2018. I’m staring down the barrel of my 40’s but with the same goofy mindset I honed in my 20’s. Mentally, it doesn’t feel as bad a...