Monday, October 09, 2006

A Funday Kinda Monday

This past weekend was a busy one. A proper, full-on. what-life-is-all-about, flat-out freakend.
The house party was great fun; pool, darts and PS2 (I played the latter) soundtracked by Blair's collection of punk/ska CD's.
I haven't heard Offspring's 'Smash' for quite some time and I had forgotten how good they used to be. We had a bit of a sing-song and then I got destroyed on Smackdown Vs Raw by all-comers. I thought that was my game and my time to shine but, alas, I was unlucky.

I'm blaming the wine. Yes, it was the wine.

Actually, it wasn't even wine.

It was Lambrini.

Pints of it.

Different flavours.

People mock me for my choice of alcohol but it does the trick everytime.

Everything is a blur after that. The last thing I remember is Gaz putting a blanket over me whilst we all crashed out watching Family Guy season four.

I'd like to thank the hot and talented Sarah for the awesome new banner you see above. Swish, huh?


Christopher D. Bate said...
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DanProject76 said...

I wondered when you were going to mention that nice new banner...

Alcohol? Hmmm... We have a nice new bottle of Polish vodka (that's vodka from Poland not vodka we use to polish shiny surfaes with) and I'm in the mood for a boozing... but it's almost bedtime and we get up before 6AM so life is like so totally unfair or summink.

Stephanie said...

you and your Lambrini.. :)

Gretta James said...

Sexy Banner.

Sounds like you had a good weekend. Blame the wine I would ;).


Anonymous said...

hm, what is lambrini?? kinda sounds like it could be delicious. especially pints and pints of it!

x said...

i've no idea what Lambrini is, except that it is an outskirt of Athens.

zuzula said...

i always blame the wine :)

Christopher D. Bate said...


sophie said...

I LOVE the banner Christopher:)

Tres swish.

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