Tuesday, October 31, 2006


...Or, if you're a Goth, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Oh, I'm off to see The Rocky Horror Show tonight. Swish!

If you want a laugh to to Ben Baker's page and check out his new show. He's very, very funny and you should give him a whirl. Go whirl him HERE.

(The noise a zombie makes)


Stephanie said...


A Spoon said...

happy christmas! i like it! thats funny : )

Walter said...

I'm still singing the "Gummi Bears" theme tune....

And that Stephanie... what a saucy picture she has!

ben said...

Bless you. And all that drink in you.

JM said...

Happy Halloween!!!
I saw Rocky Horror Picture Show on VH-1 (television). Not the same effect as seeing it in a theatre.

bornindifferent said...

Am waiting for the Rocky Horror Show to come to Cheltenham and have just found out it will be on here on my birthday - how good is that? Hope you had a good time. Was anyone famous in it?

Steve House said...

whats going on with the short hair dude?

Cathy said...

Happy Halloween -1 day!

Christopher D. Bate said...

Stephanie--boo to you too!

A Spoon--Hey! Nice to see you commenting again. Congrats on your new job. I hope Fork is well.

gusgreeper--I saw it at a very early age and it just stuck with me. I used to cry at the end, still do. I hate it when cross-dressing, anti-heroes get killed by ray guns.

Norton--Once it gets in your head, it stays there.
It is rather saucy, isn't it? She's an attractive girl, that Stephanie and she's stayed at my house! High five! Sorry, I went frat-boy for a second there.

Ben--No worries, sir. You churn out some quality comedy butter. I need to go back and listen to first few episodes of the second series again. i haven't had much time lately which is good and bad.

Angel, jr.--It was light a party. There was lots of interaction. I picked it up fairly quickly.

Emba--The girl from Hear'Say Suzanne Shaw played Janet and, on this occasion at least, the guy that tried to kill Gail in Coronation Street was the guest narrator. It's worth seeing, more so on your birthday.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Steve--I had the urge to cut it which I regret. I needed to regrow and appreciate what I had. I now realise that I'm not a short hair kind of person

Cathy--Thank you. I hope you had a good one!

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