Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Last night was fun on the bun. Rocky Horror was an awesome show and a great party.
I wish I'd taken the time to dress up as something, anything because I looked woefully undressed.
H dressed up as Frank N Furter much to my surprise and discovered how hard it is to walk through the city in heels.
Still, he had a fun birthday present and it was money well spent.
If you're a fan of R.H and you live in the U.K, I would recommend catching the show if you can.

Earlier in the day, before all the cross-dressing shenanigans, a guy came up to me and said, for reasons unknown to me, the following sentence:

"Are you still laughing about that cat?"

Answers on a postcard (and by postcard I mean comments box) because I'm all out of clues as to why a complete stranger would come up and say that to me. I did my best smiling and nodding but it couldn't completely hide my bewilderment.

I turned in another draft of Bent Soul along with some alternative scene/location ideas. They seem to want to keep even the most bizarre scenes and we're currently trying to work out how we can film scenes featuring a large galleon on a modest budget. I have ideas and they seem to be going down well.

If this ends up being some kind of cult group then I'm going to cry.


Anonymous said...

Woefully "undressed," or did you mean "underdressed?" In my opinion, there's nothing woeful about being UNDRESSED. ;)

JM said...

Maybe it was a case of mistaken identity? I wonder who he thought you were.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Trixie--I did mean underdressed. Oops. If it works for you then so be it.

Angel Jr--Maybe he thought I was Garfield's owner or something. Or maybe he was a spy and he was trying to communicate.

orange anubis said...

Love a bit of Rocky Horror. A friend at work just went, knowing nothing about it. She's come back talking about nothing else, her mind completely blown. :)

Paul said...

He probably read your blog about that stray cat you had turning up a while ago... or that evil-as-adolf-cat you got at the moment !!

Christopher D. Bate said...

Orange Anubis--I wonder what it would be like to go into it completely cold.; without expectations. I'd certainly go and see it again. I tried to get them to do it when I was in high school but to no avail.

Paul--Jinx is pretty damn evil, isn't she? And clumsy, greedy and hyperactive.

Mimey said...

Well, were you still laughing?

Suffering from 'bent soul' myself, I do hope this is all fruitful for you and the film!
I once did RH with my parents. That was fun!

Christopher D. Bate said...

I have no idea. The guys seems to think so. I was laughing after. It's become my new chat-up line.

Bent Soul, eh? That's not good. I hope you're okay. Do you want a cup of tea or something?

DanProject76 said...

Was it a Stoufer flashback?

Harry Hill has mystical powers.

Gretta James said...

Chris undressed and not crying it what I want.

If they are a cult you gotta hand it to them they're good at deception.


Anonymous said...

How did you respond? I would have just said "yes".

sophie said...

I am so thrilled for you Christopher
...just be dressed for success:)

zuzula said...

heels are indeed difficult to walk in. i carry trainers everywhere in case i suddenly need to take a long hike!

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