Thursday, December 07, 2006

'Gordon Treen's Sick Day'

I wrote this very quickly whilst very, very bored and out of my mind on machine coffee. Please enjoy.

'Gordon Treen's Sick Day'
By Christopher 'K.P Addict#1' Bate

Gordon Treen, 37 reaches for the phone. He dials a number and prepares himself.
As soon as someone picks up, he puts on a somewhat fake cough and cold.

Hello? Is that Mike? Hey, Mike. It's Gordon Treen. Yeah, I'm sick. I've caught that bug that's being going around. It's just my luck to get it! I know we're really busy but I'm really, really sick and I wouldn't be much use to anyone. Thanks mate. I'm really sorry. I shall try my hardest to get better for tomorrow.

Gordon hangs up and celebrates his successful ruse by punching the air and doing a little dance.



Gordon is fishing. He's very happy with his deception.


Gordon is sat in a quiet bar watching sport and cheering along. He's made a few bets and it seems to be going his way.



Gordon is checking out some futuristic looking recliners. He is testing out one very comfortable and lavish chair. He gives the young salesman a hearty thumbs up.

This is the one. I'll take it.



Gordon reaches for the phone. He practices his 'ill-voice' as his wife and children eat their breakfast. His fishing gear is ready to go. He is excited about the possibility of another 'free' day.
He dials a number but it just rings out. He gives up after more than enough rings and checks his contacts book for another number.

He dials.

Hello? Could you put me through to the Death Star please? I report to Mike Lucas. What do you mean there isn't a Death Star? Are you having a laugh or what? Blown up? By who?! This is got to be some kind of joke. Well, who did it? (Confusion) Who? THE FARMERS BOY? How could he have done it? How could he even pilot a ship much less know how to destroy an entire space station? Where did he-? I KNEW THAT DUCT WAS A BAD IDEA! I TOLD PETE IN ACCOUNTS THAT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN!

Gordon's wife walks over with a face full of concern.

Gordon, is everything okay?

(Into phone)
What about Vadar? Where was he when all of this was going on? Missing, you say? Bloody typical! Overrated, he is! "Ooh, I feel a disturbance in the force" where was all this hocus-pocus when we really needed it? Wanker! Absolute wanker! I'd say it to his face. I'm not scared of him. What's he going to do? Breathe on me? Well, that's the Empire down the pan, isn't it?

Gordon puts the phone down. Tina places a supportive hand on her husbands shoulder.

Is everything okay?

I won't be able to go back to work, dear.

Why not?

There's no work to go back to.

What do you mean?

They blew it up, those bloody rebels! There's nothing left; they're all gone. I can't believe it! Mike, Larry and that odd fellow with the limp, all blown to bits. I wonder if Larry ever found the surprise we left in his bag. Oh, I'd left my good pen there as well! It was a marvel to write with. It didn't smudge or anything.

You're very lucky, Gordon. If you'd have turned up to work yesterday we would have lost you.

I know. It makes you think doesn't it? Maybe I should go for that sales position after all. I probably wouldn't get killed doing that.

I've never liked you working there, Gordon. I don't like that Vadar fellow one bit and, if I can be frank, I've never liked his ideas; blowing up planets willy-nilly. It's not on, Gordon. You're best off out of it and that's that.

You're right.

Gordon hugs his wife.

Come on. I'll put the kettle on. Nicholas has drawn you a picture.

Has he?

(Leading him into the Kitchen)
Yes. He looks up to you.

A shell-shocked Gordon sits down at the table and gazes at his two children.
Little Nicholas hands his father a picture. Gordon smiles and looks at it, the crudely-drawn, crayon-ridden drawing shows the whole family together (Albeit with huge heads, small hands and big red smiles)

Gordon feels the emotion welling up inside him as he realises how close he came to losing them all.



Gordon is fishing.



Anonymous said...

Lucky Gordon!

I'm sure he'll land on his feet :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if the hidden message here was 'Skive to survive' or 'skive and cause the death of all of your colleagues'. Can you clarify please?

Thanks mate, I've had a pretty awful day today and reading this has been the first thing to make me smile.

Blair said...

A meaty treat for the mind

Anonymous said...

Sigh. xx

Christopher D. Bate said...

Jon--Exactly! You've hit a series of nails righ on their heads. I actually work for a company not unlike the evil Empire. Their own death star is to be completed in 2008.

Stephanie--He's got plenty of fishing time at least.

John--Reading your kind comments has, in turn, made me smile whilst taking heat at my crappy day job.
It's always good to know that I'm doing something worthwhile. I like amusing people that stop by here.

Blair--Thank you, Fizzle. I shall now come over to your desk and do a little jig.

Alabama--Hello again. How are things? Still making beautiful music?

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