Some things are worth losing an arm for.
Anywhat, I'm off to visit Little Miss Awesome tomorrow and spend some quality time with her. I'm hoping that I can see more of her over time and not just at the weekends. It's all new and all good.
*fingers crossed for everything ever*
Tonight, I'm going to have a shave, get excited about the rest of my weekend, write some more Bent Soul (I've been chipping away at it and I think it's coming on), email Tom Lewis about the new draft, stroke my cat, shout at my cat for knocking something over (Either the Christmas tree or a hot beverage), upload some photographs from last nights little gathering (H's makeshift NES pad belt was genius), call my mom, dance around the house and hopefully record some silly songs with H and Blair. I think the world (Or the net at least) needs songs about giant crabs, pirates and Final Fight.
***Oooh, are my undoing. People may regret supplying me with energy drink. I'm probably going to be very silly for the final part of my work day***
Oh, I have a very swish Pac Man belt.
Aww! Can't wait!!!
I need to see this belt. Bring it with you!
have fun Chris! you so deserve it!
Yay for you Christopher xox
You have a pacman belt - that's gotta be the coolest thing ever. I miss pacman.
*puts on non nerdy head*
Hope you have a great weekend and awesome girl makes you feel as every bit great as you are. Which is a whole lot of great.
Catch yaz..
Gretta x
I tried to stroke a shark once. His name was 'Andy', and we had been friends for four days. I thought I could trust him.
Now I have the hand of a dead Mexican lorry driver surgically attached to my right arm.
So, don't play with fire Chris. Or sharks.
Awww. congrats!
Hope you have a good weekend :)
Caffeine is your friend!
The Pacman belt is as good as it sounds! I will be stealing it often if that's ok. Muahahaha!
This weekend was uber cool, thank you Christophe :)
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