Thursday, January 18, 2007

Yakkity Yak

Who knows if this will actually appear on this blog what with all the-

-screwing up my blog posts and stopping me from making the switch to the much hyped Blogger Beta. I'm not sure why my Blog is constantly being teased and then denied the opportunity.

Anyway, enough of all that. To lighten the mood, here is a picture of a Yak:

I posted the above picture to my friends and we killed time by coming up with a long list of Yak-based puns. Here are a few:

* YAK-ULT (The popular health drink stuff)
* YAK BAUER (From 24)
* TREVOR YAK DONALD (Popular newsreader)
* YAK MORRIS (Main character from 'Saved by the Bell. The one that didn't do the best of my knowledge)

If you have any suggestions, throw them down into the comments..

In other, slightly more relevant news, I've finally handed my notice in, thus easing the stress and aiding me to start finding a job that doesn't sap my soul. I suppose I can ease back knowing that I'm on my final month and I really don't have to care.

Love and Jelly,



x said...

this is reason to party! go Chris!!
see how many exclamation marks i can type!!!
p.s The Empire strikes Yak

Christopher D. Bate said...

I shall party and party hard!
It looks like Blogger is being kinder to me today. Finally, a break!

Nice Yak suggestion. I've just told Blair and Phill (My partners in todays Yak-related fun) and they were impressed.

Anonymous said...

A type of bathing costume for Bos grunniens = a Yak-ini. Ha ha ha.

(Yes, I did look up its species name, and yes, I am sad)


Unknown said...

Congrats on breaking the bonds of the evil empire and handing in your notice.

As for Yakiness, how about:

- "I'll be Yak." (Sorry, Terminator III was on the telly last night)

- Yak & Jill (popular nursery rhyme)

"Paint it Yak" (Rolling Stones song)

Anonymous said...

Oh your poor blog :( That is mean!
Yak! I remember Yak Morris, I really liked him...but then..I was probably 8 so I guess I could be forgiven.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Some fine, fine additions to the Yak stable. :)

JM said...

Blogger has denied me more times than a prom date.

Christopher D. Bate said...

You too? Super frustrating! The new blogger looks really cool as well!
Still, we may get lucky at some point.

DanProject76 said...

Coolies on resigning.

I can't go all Nu-Blog too. It's because my blog is just too big, allegedly. That's in length AND girth!

Anonymous said...

long live the empire ...:)

Anonymous said...

Yak-use -the famous article written by Emile Zola about the Dreyfus affair (with some Yaks).

See politics and history degree not wasted!

Anonymous said...

I signed up for beta blogger without trying... just hit a few buttons with korean writing on and roberts your fathers brother

Christopher D. Bate said...

I can sign up with a new blog but I can't upgrade this one at the moment. Apparently, I'll be able to at some point so I'm going to have to wait.

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