Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Blogging (is) a dead horse


So you keep saying but everytime I try to 'switch my account' you say that I can't!

Is anyone else flat out bored with Blogger at the moment?

Screw this, I'm going to myspace for a while. It's easier.




DanProject76 said...

Blogger sure is annoying sometimes but MySpace? That's the devil's work!

Anonymous said...

Heathen! MySpace?! I tried to set up an account but ran away scared.

x said...

blogger has been playing tricks on me too. but i'd never leave him for myspace. maybe wordpress?

Anonymous said...

Well, we're friends there too, but myspace itself is not really my friend :(

I'll be so sad if people all leave this place! Don't go!

Christopher D. Bate said...

I'm having no end of problems with posting and even commenting on blogs. I assume it's because of the fact that things are switching over. I keep losing posts hence the reason that there hasn't been so many lately.
I also realise that not all Blogger bloggers are either on myspace or fans of myspace. I really don't want to lose contact with people because I've built some great relationships since I started here.
Hopefully, things will get back to normal soon and all will be right again.
Yesterday was a really frustrating (but liberating) day so blogger boo-hoo's were the last thing I needed!
It'll get sorted soon, I'm sure.

Maja said...

I have the same problem with blogger. And sometimes it won't even let me get to my dashboard, it just keeps taking me to that page where they ask me to enter my password and tick the conditions box, only to tell me I am rejected again! Annoying!

Anonymous said...

Chris, just switch to the new version, mate! Then you won't have to see that again. It's really no trouble...

Christopher D. Bate said...

I can't. I try to but it won't let me! I don't know why it's being so selective and so annoying.

Anonymous said...

MySpace is a tad bum for blogging in my eyes but the new blogger irritates me so. I have to jump through hoops everytime I want to shout "piss" on Dan's blog.

Setting up a Myspace is peasy though. Unless you're Louse Nylons. Who is AN FULE.

DanProject76 said...

Ben: "Arse" is as effective as "piss."

Chris: I am so paranoid about losing posts I save em on wordpad or summink before even attempting to post. It prevents that horrific moment when Blogger forgets what I have just told it to do.

I am not using MySpace blog, unless I work out how to post em in HTML. Then I can just copy and paste my Blogger ones. Would this work? Any boffins know?

DanProject76 said...

I worked it out myself. Thanks, you bastardos.

Christopher D. Bate said...

I did try to help but I was in the middle of a muddle myself.


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