Thursday, February 08, 2007


So much going on...It's hard to keep up. Phew. Kylie is now living with me and we are sorting out things (i.e the mass of mess that is my room) and making Westfield all nice, cosy and, more importantly, fun (Until September when we head to a shiney new flat in Wolverhampton)
She's started her new job today, I'm leaving my job next Friday and it's snowing like a mad bugger. It's all go.

I'm going to my first gig of 2007 next Monday to see the NME Tour featuring C.S.S and others. I'm also seeing Blood Red Shoes on Tuesday with my good pal Lindsay. Before that it's a trip to Conventry and then Leicester for some fun in those respective areas. Kylie is basically saying goodbye to everyone. Not forever, just for now. I hope they don't think I'm stealing her or anything.

Wow. If someone would have said a year ago that I'd be living with a girl I love, I would have laughed them out of my personal dance space. It would be easier to accept the film screening (I can't believe that was almost a year ago). Strange, huh?

Life is certainly full of surprises. Otter pleasing surprises.


DanProject76 said...

We shall not say we told you so.

Awww... Now all we have to do is marry off Ben Baker and our work here is done!

Maja said...

Yay! Life is good after all :)

orange anubis said...

That's brilliant news! Best of luck and all that. :)

Christopher D. Bate said...

It'll be even more sweeter when we get our flat. Still, Westfield is a decent temporary dwelling.

DanProject76 said...

Living together is a sin!

You'll have to get married.

Christopher D. Bate said...

One step at a time. i'm punching above my weight as it is.

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