Thursday, March 08, 2007

Now available in pixels

K.P and I as SIMS


DanProject76 said...

I am scared!

Christopher D. Bate said...

You should see our Sim children. one of them is called Little Barry Puppet Teeth.

kimberlina said...

whoa!!!! me too.

pleaes do show us your beautiful child of the (possibly large) puppet teeth!!

JM said...

The Sims is such a cool game.

Devil Mood said...

Oh this is so cool!! :)

Anonymous said...

nice ummm boobs. heheh boobs.

John said...

So was this manipulation of photographs on a PC or laptop?

Or did you actually become Sim's?

Because if it was the latter, I have the utmost respect for you both in living to tell the tale's a dog eat dog world out there.

I'm blogging again Chris, come and pay me a visit some time :)

Kylie said...

The game has an option to mould your face (from a picture, not in real life - that would be freaky) onto a Sim's, and you get to design your own clothes and stuff. It's all very exciting. I spent way too much time on it though.

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