So, I've decided to switch occupations after being offered a job that pays a little better and is closer to home. It's actually quite sad to leave my current job, despite only being here for a little over two months. The people are decent enough and the role is pretty good. it's just too far and too little money. I can't wait for a permanent contract because I need more money now.
This isn't just for me. For the first time in my relatively young life, I have someone who cares about me in the same way I care about them. I have a bright future with an amazing person. I'm with someone that makes me want to do better, everyday and in everything; work, play and the creative. She doesn't hold me back, put me down or tell me what to do.
She doesn't need to because I want to do it, for myself and for her.
Most likely, I'll hate my next job but at least it will pay more and fund the things I really want in life; the nice apartment in Wolverhampton and the crazy, crazy times. This is something I never thought I'd want or get. Previously, it's been crazy in the worst way.
At the moment we need all the money we can get to make this happen. I'm going to work my ass off to ensure that it does. She's totally worth it.
It's not all 9 to 5, I've been asked to join an evening of pitching ideas to BAFTA people which is being held at the venue that played DRTN last year. I have no idea how it will go. I'll probably run out of ideas and throw a bunch of puzzling piffle at them. Either way, it'll be a good opportunity to network. I need to rub elbows with these people, physically and mentally.
If all is good and golden, two little films with have my name slapped onto them in a 'Written By' capacity. These are films that you MAY EVEN BE ABLE TO SEE! This starts in a couple of weeks.
I'm also doing stand-up on the 29th which could possibly be a very, very bad idea.
Wow, so many opportunities!!
I'm so glad for you. And I'd really, really like to see those films :))
I'll be sure to post them everywhere I can. It will be nice to finally share finished products with people.
Go for it!! Go for the new job. Go for the stable relationship. When all these things fall together, you end up happy. But I'm sure you already know that.
Good luck to you sir - and I hope that even if the job does turn out a bit shite you get some great new friends there, that can make all the difference.
Thank you. I just need to get myself into a better financial situation. Of course, had I known I was going to meet Kylie I would have saved in advance. It's amazing how much money I wasted trying to fill the void.
Stand-up? Damn you living on MArs or somewhere or I would come and watch.
I think you should also write a cartoon with Kylie after seeing her magnicicently weird drawings...
Can you youtube the stand-up for those of us on this side of the pond!?
(and here's to first class girls; they are few and far between)
You my dear may just be getting the ... grown up bug!
isn't life great when you have that kind of support! good luck with the new job.
I hope you do like your new job!
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