Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I wonder what Tony Blair's last day will be like? I wonder if he will write a global office email slating half of his co-workers whilst breaking all the office rules he can. You know, like everyday you-and-me's do when we are on our final day.

Will his buds get him a stripper? What will they sign in the card?

It boggles the mind.

Personally, I think he should get a boot up the arse on the way out.

Hard. A real cheek bruiser.

I'll do it for the sane people of Britain. I'll say: "It's the very least I could do now fuck off with The Joker and don't come back!" (Then I'd offer to slap the shit shades off Bono)

I'll also throw my beanie into the political arena and go for his job. Vote for me?
I know next to nothing about politics but that's not exactly nessicary in this modern age, is it? Most Sun readers would vote for a floating cube with a mouth if the propaganda was good enough.


Paul said...

Keep in mind it was Mr Blair who kept unemployment at record lows for 10 years, so you're able to swap and change jobs as you wish, Mr Bate ;o) You wouldn't have been able to do that in Thatcher's Britain lol

Christopher D. Bate said...

Okay, he did SOME good but he's still a tit overall. They all are. We should be ruled by apes or robots.

Typically mature response from me again

Devil Mood said...

Does the floating cube play football? That could help to!
Funny imagining Blair's last day - but I did see a version of that particular day in that film called The Tony Blair Trial. It was a boring day and Cherie was all over the place worried about moving all their personal objects out of no.10.

Simon Downes said...

He'll probably spend all day in a toilet cubicle playing solitaire on his ipod. no, hang on, that's me every single day at work.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Dan--If it was influenced ny the Daily Mail it would be a homophobic, xenophobic cube with tits.

Devil Mood--I will have to check out that movie. If I'd have made '28 Days Later' i would have featured a zombie Blair. Hmm..

Simon--me too. Even when I'm at my desk I'm on holiday. I look busy but I'm really not. I have 'looking busy' down to a fine art.

Clive_Evil_C said...

I'd vote for you if you were said floating cube with a mouth.

They should get Tony a nice cake.

Anonymous said...

I'll vote for you!

Christopher D. Bate said...

Watch out, Gordon Brown! Here comes C-Bizzle!

C-Bizzle for England Etc..

I think Gordon's won the race though..

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