Wednesday, January 07, 2009

I'm never moving again.

The stress and strain of the this move was intense. We thought it would be so easy, moving from one flat to another one just down the way, but it was like something out a bad eighties comedy (Bad eighties comedy pretty much sums up my life actually)

Still, we're in and everything has settled. The place is looking nice too which is a bonus. The last thing we needed was to move into a Money Pit. (See?)

And breathe..

Normal service...resuming.

Don't have the net at home so posts may be spaced out a bit. I'm still keen on my blog.


Maja said...

I hate moving, but sometimes it just needs to be done, unfortunately. JJ and I moved furniture around our room at work a couple of weeks ago, which isn't exactly moving, but we had to pack up the stuff in the shelf and cupboard and desk before we could move the furniture and even that was stressful for me. It's so difficult not to argue in the moving situation!

Christopher D. Bate said...

We were messed around quite a bit and it seemed to open a Pandora's Box of bad luck. Still, it's over now and we can finally settle and enjoy our bigger, better flat.
All we need now is some money! Ah, January.

Maja said...

Yes, the eternal money issue! I need some more too. We overspent in November and December and to get back to an acceptable level of debt we need to stop spending money altogether, really... there seem to be so many outgoing bills all the time. I think I've got all the toys I need for now, though, so I should be able to stop shopping for a couple of months. Fortunately we have our bonuses to look forward to in March.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Yeah, we're hoping it will all settle down. New year is always a hassle.

Aloofus, Aloofus...

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