Thursday, January 01, 2009


2008, it has to be said, had a wild send off. Katrina's party was greatness and I'm really glad we went there to see off the old year and greet the new one. I have high hopes for 2009. It's the first time in my life where I wouldn't mind if it stayed the same as things are just fine as they are. Bonus stuff would be glorious icing.
Of course, there are resolutions to be made and ones that I really want to keep. These are they:

- Completely cut down drinking. I don't drink a lot as it is. I only usually drink when we go to a club and everyone in the group is doing it. I can and have been sober for those nights and had a better time for it. Sometimes, however, nervous anxiety and a need to fit in overpowers my will to stay sober. I don't really need to drink so it's not much of a benefit. The odd few in 2009 would be cool but only for special occasions etc.

- Get fit. I would like to trim down a bit and do more things that require less sitting down and more running around. This also calls for a new job because all I do is sit down for long periods of time.

- Make more films and concentrate on the creative. 2008 was my best year for being able to write and actually work on things. I would like to do more of this and it's looking like it will be a good year for that.

- Blog more. I hardly blogged in 2008 and, because of that, I can't remember a lot of what happened. I will post and check in on blogger friends more often. It will help to make work more interesting if nothing else.

I want to go more more festivals, go abroad and see more bands in 2009. I also want to visit some people I haven't seen in ages. I'm sure I'll add more resolutions and 'to do' stuff as the days wear on. Tomorrow, we move into a new apartment so already changes are happening. Change actually does scare me like it used to. Play Doh still does.


Anonymous said...

Well Hi Chris that is a fine list there. I hope you can if any do the non drinking one. It has been 13 year since I did. All for the better. Take care and hope to blog back and forth more.

Christopher D. Bate said...

All I need is the odd cup of coffee and I'm set. I'll try and stick to that for now. I gave up meat in 2008 and it was one of the best things I have ever done.

kimberlina said...

*laugh* i was thinking the same thing! we're all getting old, if we need blogs to remember what happened in the past year. here's to blogging! *toast* (with mulled apple cider, perhaps)

Christopher D. Bate said...

(uses a mulled red bull..ugh, that would be horrible and strange, wouldn't it?)
I wanted to blog more now that I'm settled and grown up (a bit). I was all over the place before, fretting about various things. I feel like I should make the effort to record this new chapter. Last year was just mad and so packed with random happenings that I wish I'd taken a few minutes to jot it down. When I'm really old, I'll need something to read.

DanProject76 said...

I need to get fit too.

I've developed a little belly just ike you... damn those office jobs!

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