Monday, February 09, 2009


Nick-A-Palooza, my brother's house party, was great fun. It's amazing how epic the party was despite the size of his flat. It goes to show that a collection of the right people is always a good thing. My sister and brother in law even made an appearance which was great because we hardly ever see them when they're not in 'parent mode'. They don't have much time to socialise such is their devotion to Ellie and Jake. My Mom stepped in to let them enjoy their youth, shoot the breeze with her brothers and their friends and play some Guitar Hero. I think I even sang using the microphone. I think I was booed off. It was pretty hazy. I know my mouth ran away with me a few times during in the shindig. Not in a bad way but in a 'whoa, easy now..' kind of way. I'm always really pleased to be around the people I admire and I'm one of those people that goes all soppy and hug-tastic. I suppose it's better than headbutting people.
Yesterday, all K.P and I felt like doing was heading home, getting cosy and playing XBOX. We brought Tony Hawks Project 8 and Beautiful Katamari. The former was to feed my need for a quick game I could jump into now and then. All our other games are pretty epic. katamari is genius and a game seemingly created for Kylie. It's lovely and bonkers, just like her. All in all a good, if hazy weekend. Back to work now, writing and doing the 9 to 5. The former is much more interesting than the latter


kimberlina said...

It's lovely and bonkers, just like her.


i definitely agree though, that it's a wonderful game! too bad i suck so hardcore at it. ;)

Christopher D. Bate said...

It's really hard. We're kind of stuck at the moment. Good fun though and it helps to put me in a good mood.

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