Monday, April 08, 2013

Stand There and Say That..

I have been at a bit of a cross roads of late. I had a fierce run of energy, creative and otherwise in the opening month but I think the endless winter and the constant threat of more and more snow has slowed me down somewhat. I'm not really sure what I would like to do next. As ever, the creative side is still the dominant force and that always seems to quell any desires to give in and become some kind of super serious so-and-so. I guess day jobs will always be something that I'm fine with as long as people leave me alone.

 Leave me alone to think about made up people, in made up places, coping with various odd things.

It's really cool that I have this whole other thing. It's sometimes a curse though as you can go from giddy joy about a film being played, and people reacting to it, but then you can be bothered by office politics or people that don't know you or get you. On the whole,  the creative side of things keeps my mental state at a SMILEY level, rather than a furrowed brow heavy with life concerns.

I am going to strive to take matters into my own hands. I would like to complete some different bits and pieces and look to get something made fairly local. I would like to physically help out on a film, even if it's just making the tea and moving stuff. Of course, I would like to have a bash at telling people how to say lines and where to say them (My limited 'directing' non-skills). I have a few ideas that could work, on a very slender budget but I just need people that can act and so forth. Alas, I cannot act to save my life, or anyone elses so I can't make a 'This is John' or something like that.

I have some people that are interested, a group I've heard of but only seen their work. It's looking likely that something will happen with them but the genre my be different. No, not nudie films. That's Plan C.

I guess it's a case of the same old issues. I just need to focus and not let niggling doubts and boring people get me down. It's not like I'm hurting anyone. I don't make things to piss people or disturb people. If I was a Tom Six kind of guy, I could understand people not sharing or pulling away.

People not sharing, or people I thought would give me a thumbs up, was a thing that bothered me a few weeks ago but I can sort of understand it. Just because you're friends, doesn't mean they have to 'like' everything and some people I know don't seem to like ANYTHING. I suppose it cuts down on the 'I'll share yours if you share mine' fakery. That's a whole other thing, friendships. Online and off, they can be a chore at times. Sometimes it feels like you're giving too much and getting very little but, hey, that is life and as long as it isn't boring, it's fine with me.

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